I have seen ZERO evidene to support your claim that "it's what God wants..." Now, many a Trump supporter loves to believe God has "anointed" Trump to be the savior of the Nation, but there are a plethora of Scripture to prove this just wishful thinking. Trump is not now, nor never has been a true Christian. In fact, for the majority of his life, he was a Liberal Democrat who supported Liberal Politicians (including the Clintons) with millions of dollars.
Only when he began to dream of being KING (President) did he change his Party Affiliation to Republican. He was always Pro Choice until he decided to run for President.......and many, many other Liberal beliefs.
Trump is smart enough to "market" himself to receive the most support possible from his Target Audience....
Please do not blame God for Trump. The Jews wanted a King, and God told them they didn't need one, but they continued to insist God give them a King, and He did. Remember how that worked out for the Jews?