IMO, there's something insidious about discouraging a child's imagination, although I'm not equipped with enough knowledge to explain exactly why. But this is the result of the internet of things, and entertainment media in general. I'll try to summarize the teaching that I happened to take in on the subject. Compare the percentage of kids that love to read books and those that'd rather just watch a movie. Watching a movie requires minimal mental exertion, and this is why it is called a-muse-ment, because you can do it apart from musing, or thinking much about it. Movies show you what to think, while reading is a practice in how to think. Reading engages one's imagination, as Einstein is quoted, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” ― Albert Einstein
What child has ever actually grown up to hold Santa Claus or Easter Bunny grudges against their parents?