Maybe not but this is what I had to understand THE HARD WAY...
That the Make America Great Again(MAGA) idea isn't really very well thought through in the first place but it just sounded real good as long as you say it real fast. Just when did people think America was great anyway? Was it after ww2 when we became great and a Democratic was president? Or Or maybe people thought it was great when we were at war in Korea or Vietnam? Maybe it was when JFK or Johnson was president in the 60"s? Maybe it was when Nixon a Republican took us off the gold standard and we went to fiat money? We could really learn a lot from just considering when it actually was that we considered America great and then look at who was the president at that time.
In the mean while people might probably wonder what it would be like if they could get Republicans in charge and keep them there for 20 or 30 years right? There's no reason why they would need to let their imagination runaway though take Texas for instance it hasn't had a Democrat in charge since 1995 and so that's like 28 years and counting. So there's no point in wondering what it would be like because in Texas we learned the hard way that your beaches and lakes will end up swamped with garbage and they will let the bays,rivers and lakes get so polluted that you wont be able to eat the fish anymore And they'll moan and groan about undocumented immigrants when the truth is that they are all collected up at the border to get into Texas because they permit places to hire undocumented workers all they want(second most of all US States) Anyway I would really like to at least Make Texas Great Again like it was 30 years ago and all we need to do is take a long look at that list of Governors, work our way back to when it was great and vote them back into power.