I get a scratch disk full message in photoshop when my temporary files' folder is full, and it was
very frustrating trying to figure out how to fix the problem because there were many suggestions
online, but most of them were too complicated for my simple brain LOL. Click here do this click
there do that, how can you follow so many steps when you have to keep closing the instructions'
window to perform the task, and then try to keep track of what you have done and where you are
in the process? Major ugh. But I had to do something to fix it or could not perform simple tasks
in my design program: open files, save changes, use tools etc etc. Then, I found a simple solution.
Click your windows symbol, and then where it has the little magnifying glass, type in %temp%
A file folder will open up from your C drive. Highlight everything up to yesterday's date, and
click the trash can symbol to delete. Some items may give a message saying something along
the lines of, this cannot be deleted because it is open or in use somewhere. You will be given
an option to skip that file and continue. Skip that file and let it delete everything else. That might help.