Summary of Bible references on the Rapture

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Sep 14, 2020
Peter denied again

25 And Simon Peter stood and warmed himself. They said therefore unto him, Art not thou also one of his disciples? He denied it, and said, I am not. 26 One of the servants of the high priest, being his kinsman whose ear Peter cut off, saith, Did not I see thee in the garden with him? 27 Peter then denied again: and immediately the cock crew.

You see this all the time. Christians want to be in the spiritual warfare, they think cutting off an ear with a sword, that is spiritual warfare. Think they are tough. Yet, here they are denying the Lord, "didn't I see you with Him" -- "nope, not me".

Learn from the Lord what real spiritual warfare is:

35 Pilate answered, Am I a Jew? Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me: what hast thou done? 36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. 37 Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.

1. The kingdom is not of this world, you are not going to bring it in with human warfare.

2. The Lord was born and came into the world in order to go to the cross, in order to be delivered to the Jews. If you can't see that then you need to pray for eyes to see.

3. We are not here to save our selves, or our lives, or our wealth, or any other thing. We are here to bear witness of the truth. Those that live by the sword die by the sword, if you don't know that truth then start with the ABC's of the gospel and begin again.

4. We do not panic over people who do not hear the Lord's voice. Those that are of the truth will hear it and be saved. Those that are not of the truth will refuse to hear it and be judged.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Conspiracy theories

2Chronicles 22:3 He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab: for his mother was his counsellor to do wickedly.

Any time you point out corruption or evil in high places it seems they want to label you a conspiracy theory nut. The problem with this is there are many ways evil operates. Maybe someone is your counselor. Yes, this king was selfish, self centered and seeking power, but his mom counseled him on how to act.

Maybe at other times they become allies with one another to rob, steal and kill.

At other times it is like the five mafia families agreeing to divy up the city.

At other times one cartel hires the other for added muscle or security.

It does not have to be like some Bond villain plotting to take over the world from some secret basement.

If a government official takes a bribe it is, by definition, a conspiracy. If two or more people work together to rob a bank, it is by definition a conspiracy.

If a thief uses a fence to sell the stuff he sold it is by definition a conspiracy.

4 Wherefore he did evil in the sight of the Lord like the house of Ahab: for they were his counsellors after the death of his father to his destruction.


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Sep 14, 2020
Treason, Treason

12 Now when Athaliah heard the noise of the people running and praising the king, she came to the people into the house of the Lord: 13 And she looked, and, behold, the king stood at his pillar at the entering in, and the princes and the trumpets by the king: and all the people of the land rejoiced, and sounded with trumpets, also the singers with instruments of musick, and such as taught to sing praise. Then Athaliah rent her clothes, and said, Treason, Treason.

Let me remind everyone what happened. The king is killed, his mother who had been counseling him on how to commit evil then goes and kills all the heirs to the throne and sets herself up as queen. However, one baby is hidden and six or seven years later he is brought out and made king as a small child. In order to do this many people had worked together, the Bible uses the term "covenant" but it would be reasonable to say they "conspired" together. When they make this little boy King Athaliah is screaming "treason". This is simply projection, what she did in killing the heirs was treason. Very often the evil people will accuse others of the very thing that they are doing.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020

13 Problems with the Pretribulation Rapture | Part 2

This is part 1 of my rebuttal to this, his second video on this topic.

They gave us 6 “problems” in part 1 which I addressed already. I felt the first six “problems” they raised were very easy to refute so that I didn’t see any reason to address part 2, however then it occurred to me that others might be confused by this. So let’s take a look.

He says that JNN Darby and Scofield are key people to teach the pre tribulation doctrine. As a rule this is true as long as you don’t go so far as say that this teaching began with them, that is a fallacy. It has been seen in writings that predate them by hundreds of years.

He also uses books like the Left Behind series to poke fun at the pre tribulation doctrine, and I agree with that, there are very many superficial doctrines that can appear to be “pre tribulation” so before you can discuss something you need to define the terms. For the moment let’s say that the doctrine which I and JNN Darby and Scofield refer to is based solely on interpretation of the Scripture. It is not based on fictional books like the Left Behind Series, nor is it in any way based on “88 reasons why the rapture will be in 1988”. I have never read that book so I cannot comment. Also, please note I do not say the doctrine is based on the Bible, I find that arrogant. It is based on man’s interpretation of the Bible which can be in error, perhaps slightly, or perhaps more so than that.

He also addresses the logical argument that God is not going to beat up the bride right before the wedding. That is not an argument based on the Bible, and so I see no reason to even waste time with it.

1Corinthians 1523 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. 24 Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. 25 For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

The Lord is defeating every enemy and if you allow Him He will work in you and do that. If you don’t allow Him you may force Him to put you through the tribulation, but one way or another every enemy will be put under His feet.

Anyway his argument is that Christians have been going through tribulation for the last two thousand years. Some were martyred, others suffered great deprivation. Since he makes a big deal out of this let’s show how absurd this is for anyone to use this argument (post tribs say since we all must go through tribulation that verse indicates the church is raptured after the tribulation). What about the dead in Christ? They did not go through the tribulation yet they are raptured. However, according to the Bible they did go through tribulation, just not the “the” tribulation referred to as the end of the age. This proves it is not required. Then consider the term for “harpazo” to be snatched out of the way of catastrophe. You would use this term to describe pulling someone out of the way of a speeding car. So then it does not make much sense to use it for someone who has just been beheaded, but it would make sense to use it for someone who is walking up the steps to the gallows.

I will skip his review from the first message, I responded to this in post #8507-8508

I will just clarify, my understanding is that about 1/6th of the believers are raptured prior to the tribulation, the rest are taken during the first 3 1/2 years of the tribulation (many are martyred a few still remain when the two witnesses are killed and then raised). Then at the end of the seven years Israel is saved as a nation. So I fully agree with Biblical texts referring to believers during the tribulation, and raptures taking place during or at the end of the tribulation. There are many harvests, there is the wheat harvest and the fruit harvest. You have first fruits and the general harvest and the gleanings. Anyone familiar with farming knows that not all crops are ripe on the same day.

He looks at a verse (this is a review from the last message he gave) that says the church gets relieved from her suffering when the Lord returns and at the same time He inflicts punishment on His enemies. Well we know that the punishment is inflicted during the seven year tribulation. If you read Isaiah 26 it describes the church being put into a chamber to be kept safe while the Lord comes out to inflict wrath. If a thousand years is as one day to the Lord people need to stop thinking that all the things mentioned concerning the end of the age take place in a 24 hour period, that is foolish.

Whoa! He equates the final judgement of unbelievers at the great white throne judgement with the judgement of the Lord on His enemies and so the rapture is immediately before that. This is clearly unbiblical. The last half of the seven year tribulation is characterized by God pouring out His wrath on the world, that is His judgement. The Bible clearly says we are not appointed to wrath. Hence, the believers will not be here for that. The Great White Throne judgment takes place well after that event, and there is strong evidence to say it happens at the end of the millennial reign, so a thousand years after the wrath of God is poured out.

Let us use an analogy. Hebrews says clearly that we are running in a race, and it is a marathon race, not a sprint. Perhaps for some people they will be saved just a very short time from their death or rapture or martyrdom. But for many of us that is not the case. I was saved 50 years ago. There is one race and one finish line. Does everyone cross that finish line at the same moment? The NYC marathon begins at 8:10am and it ends at 8pm. The best time is 2 hours and ten minutes. So the first guy to finish will finish as they are starting the last starting time which is 10:25am.

So of course it is difficult to describe this other than to encourage everyone who starts the race to run with endurance. Now generally 8am to 8pm is considered one day, the race finishes on “that day”. Yet one guy finishes by 10:30am and another has to run from 1pm to 3pm in the heat of the day.

The reason these guys do not see a rapture in Matthew 24 is because when the Bible says “one is taken and one is left” they see being left as referring to believers and being taken referring to those who die in the tribulation. This is really bad exegesis, the word for left means “divorced” and the word for taken means to be taken as a close intimate friend. So of course they only see one coming because they have erased the rapture with poor Bible exegesis.

He notes from 2Thessalonians 2 that Paul does not comfort the Thessalonians that the day of the Lord has not come yet by saying there hasn’t been a rapture, rather he comforts them by saying the Antichrist has not been revealed yet. Think about that, if there is no pre tribulation rapture then how is this comforting and what is it that they thought they missed?


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
13 Problems with the Pretribulation Rapture | Part 2

This is part 2 of my rebuttal to this, his second video on this topic.

It seems some may have an issue with this one point so let's go over this carefully.

The Thessalonians were troubled being told that the day of the Lord had already taken place. So let's look carefully at what Paul says:

2 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

What does Paul mean "our gathering together unto Him"? That is what we refer to as "the rapture".

2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

So Paul is not telling them that the day has not already taken place but rather that they not be shaken that the day of Christ is at hand. How often have we seen this in church history, people sell their belongings, quit their job and go sit on a hilltop awaiting the Lord's return. We have seen many people that were troubled about the day of Christ being at hand. This issue is not that they thought they had missed the rapture but rather they thought the rapture was about to take place. I have lived through a lot of this. I have seen a number of groups throughout the last 50 years that were troubled by this. So Paul is going to tell us what happens first so we'll know the day of Christ is at hand.

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

This word "apostasy" is only used twice in the Bible, once because Paul was accused of teaching people to forsake Moses. The word "forsake" is this word apostasy. So in the same way we will see people teaching to "forsake" the Lord, "forsake" the Bible, "forsake" the commandments, etc. Throughout human history and the church age you can probably find someone teaching that. So at any time you might say "look this guy is teaching us to forsake the Bible", however, when the apostasy does come you will be able to compare it with the previous 2,000 years. I think we can all agree that what we are seeing today is a dramatic shift towards forsaking the Bible. Now this word by Paul is based on an account in the Bible, Moses had gone up the mountain of Sinai to meet with God and after a number of days some said they didn't know what happened to Moses so they began to worship Moloch and have an orgy. Moses comes back down and then those who were worshipping Moloch were killed. The church age is designed to get a pure and spotless bride for Jesus and so this event is necessary as it will reveal who is for the Lord and who is an impostor. In the last year we have seen a number of brazen worship ceremonies for Moloch and lucifer. We saw this at the Grammies, we saw this at the Commonwealth games, we saw this at the Superbowl, and we see this in these Pride parades. So although there have been false and erroneous teachings for the last two thousand years and there have been cults and cult leaders, we have never seen a falling away that mimics the worship of Moloch like we saw at Mt. Sinai till now.

The man of sin must also be revealed. I have posted numerous posts with hours of video going into great detail how King Charles has been revealed as this man of sin, the son of perdition. He was especially revealed during his coronation and in opening the Commonwealth games. Remember, King Charles is the head of the Anglican church and he has clearly departed from the faith taking a pledge to be a defender of "all faiths" rather than "the faith".

Therefore you could paraphrase what Paul has written here to say "don't be troubled that the day of Christ is at hand because it won't come unless you first see the worship of Moloch at the Commonwealth games and the worship of Satan at the Grammies and the Antichrist be crowned king at King Charles coronation.

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

King Charles has a 10 cubit high gold statue depicting himself as an "angel" (you could say demon) and it is called "Savior of the World". The statue is an idol and is blasphemous. It is 10 cubits high because that is how high the two Cherubim are in Solomon's temple that overshadow the ark. This statue is planned for going into the Holy of Holies when the Jews rebuild the temple.

So then there really is no reason to be shaken in mind or troubled in spirit that we are about to be gathered to the Lord prior to a few months ago. I would say prior to the coronation of King Charles we would not see the rapture, however, after that day it really could come at any moment.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
The Great Delusion is here



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Sep 14, 2020
SEEING THE WORLD GOD’S WAY—Grace Energized Men Are Wise In Doctrine



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
13 Problems with the Pretribulation Rapture | Part 2

This is part 3 of my rebuttal to this, his second video on this topic.

I am 28 minutes in on this video which is 48 minutes long and they still have not gotten to the last 7 problems (the first video went through 6 problems). I find this approach horrible. I would much prefer you open your video listing the 7 problems, and then by all means go into all the review you wish.

But anyway they bring up the verse from Matthew 24 that "he that endures to the end will be saved" as necessitating Christians to go through the tribulation. The problem of course with that view is what about the dead in Christ? What about all those who died over the last two thousand years without ever going through "the tribulation"? It is absurd, utterly ridiculous to interpret this verse in this way. If you are running a marathon race you must endure to the end. The NT likens our Christian walk to running a marathon.

Every enemy must be put under Jesus feet and because we are narcissistic and foolish this process is long and arduous. But it would be idiotic to suggest that the process requires "the tribulation" because if that were true it would be terrible blow to all those who came before us.

I would argue that "the tribulation" does help Christians to become fully matured and it is aligned with God's desire that all men would be saved and come to the full knowledge of Jesus Christ. But it isn't a requirement. I was once rock climbing up the face of a cliff. I couldn't make it across this one stretch. It would have been great if I could, but I was unable to and the climbers started to back up behind me, so to keep things moving the guy behind me pushed me off the cliff. We have ropes tied to us, so this simply caused me to swing over to an even harder trail up the cliff. There are several ways up this mountain and it would be great if all believers didn't need this push, but sadly, many do.


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Sep 14, 2020
Mark 10:29-30 Are Persecutions blessings?

Mark 10:29 So Jesus answered and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s, 30 who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time—houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions—and in the age to come, eternal life.

I just wanted to focus on this word persecutions as a blessing given to those who are absolute for the Lord.

Consider Michael Jordan. He was persecuted by the “Bad boys” of Detroit. Playing Detroit was like getting mugged for him. But it forced him to go the weight room, get stronger so that he could be the one dishing out the pain. This made him a better player and overcoming that adversity was a glory to him. Then look at the teams he beat to win a championship. Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Stockton and Malone, Indiana Pacers when they were really a stacked team, the Knicks with Ewing in his prime, Orlando Magic with Shaq in his prime and Olajuwon in his prime. If there hadn’t been any persecution there wouldn’t have been any glory. The persecution made him a better player. Michael Jordan was an all time scoring leader, teams realized they had to stop or at least slow Jordan down to win. So the team’s best defensive player would be assigned and all the defensive schemes were set up to stop him. You can look at this as persecution, God is against me, etc. Or you can say thank you Lord, you are giving me one on one tutoring sessions with the best defensive players in the NBA and the best minds in the business. As a result of that tutoring Jordan became an all star defensive player, not just offensive player. He learned from the best. The persecutions keep us balanced, they identify weaknesses, and they tutor us.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Natural disaster on a national scale in Canada



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Sep 14, 2020
How the Pre Tribulation rapture will help many Christians to be saved

While listening to these brothers teach about the "problems" with the pre tribulation rapture I realized they had never learned this key lesson. That is not hard to believe, I never learned this from a sermon or reading the Bible, I learned this lesson the hard way, from experience. But this lesson taught me when the Lord speaks, you obey and stop making excuses.

I was a stock broker and on the weekend I would go to the NYC Public library in Manhattan where they had several Bloomberg machines you could use for an hour for free. I am a scientist and I had noticed that stocks traded according to a noticeable pattern that you could calculate. A fundamental principle in science is we look for patterns because if we see them we can predict the future. I had an experimental formula I was using and based on that I needed to sell Apple, I had $40,000 of it on margin, meaning if I sold it I would walk away with $20,000. However, I didn't want to sell because that would be a short term capital gain which has a higher tax rate than long term. I also saw that there was a great short opportunity on this other high flying tech stock. I figured you could quadruple your money easy if you shorted this. The problem was that stock had done nothing but go up and shorting it would be "gangster", it would be seen as nuts. That might not seem like a real concern, the problem was as a stock broker I had to get other people at work to place my trades, you weren't allowed to trade while working and they made it really onerous to place trades. I could sell Apple at the open and place that trade myself on the weekend and I could short the other stock, but I couldn't put my buy back to close trade in until the market opened and that would be at work. So I saw this tremendous opportunity but had a number of "reasons" I didn't want to do it. I considered taking a personal day but that was not something I ever did.

I saw this on Saturday. The next day after the morning service we had a new ministry meeting for the first time and one of the brothers donated $5,000. The Pastor showed me that check and my thought was I needed to also donate $5,000. I could easily have written a check and then when I got home placed that order to sell Apple at the open, and if I did that I would have then shorted $30,000 of that other stock (on margin, 50/50). But I didn't do it.

Well the next day, on Monday, everything I had seen on the computer worked out exactly as I had seen. Apple dropped almost 50% forcing me to sell and wiping me out completely. Meanwhile the other stock also dropped to the price that I would have bought it back at, it then bounced up the price I would have shorted it again, and then it tanked and I would have closed my position at the close having turned $15,000 into about 100k. Meanwhile Apple then began a strong rise and about ten years ago I checked, that 20k worth of Apple was then worth $2 million. If I had bought 100k it would have been worth $10 million.

My point is that this event caused me to repent. I replayed and reviewed this over and over again. I felt like a jerk for not donating $5k to the ministry, and I felt like a jerk for not trusting the Lord on those trades. When you are trading stocks you only pay tax on profits, so complaining about tax is somewhat idiotic. I also realized I needed to stop worrying about what others think and the things they would say and trust the Lord.

Now imagine you heard the prophets, you heard them lay out exactly what was about to happen but you ignored it, poo pooed it, thought it was inconvenient, etc. But then you see the rapture, you are left behind and you know the reason is because you did not trust and obey the Lord's word. You would be humbled, you would repent, you would know that the only person you can blame is yourself. That would help you to turn and be 100% for the Lord.


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Sep 14, 2020
Rememberance Day 6-11-23 S4C Global Community Church ,Soldiers For Christ is going live!



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Three things you must do to be raptured.

1. You must believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Lord of all, who has risen from the dead and saves you with His blood.

2. You must be sanctified by spending time in fellowship with the Lord. Spend time in His word everyday, in prayer, in fellowship with other believers, and in worship.

3. Hear Him. You cannot claim to listen to the Lord if you do not do what He tells you. To hear the Lord means to obey Him when He speaks to you. This speaking of His will be in agreement with His word to "take up your cross and follow Him".


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Sep 14, 2020
What is WRONG with Pre-Trib Rapture? 06/12/2023 (part 1)

Once again I will "patiently listen" and with an open mind. This is the second time he has shared this and I have posted it and when I post it on this thread I listen to the entire thing.

I do not tell others that they are going to be raptured and they aren't going to have to face any trouble. On the contrary look at the previous post, 3 things you must do to be raptured. The third thing is to take up your cross and follow Him. That implies being scourged, spit upon, mocked, and put to death.

On this thread I have spent a great deal of time (because the scripture spends a great deal of time) focusing on sins, sins of the church and the need to repent. I have also said repeatedly I only believe that about 1/6th of believers will be raptured before the tribulation and that about 5/6th will go through the tribulation.

Finally, he says that "pushing a pre trib rapture" will cause some Christians to fall away from Christ, I think I understand what he is saying and I am not pushing that doctrine that all believers get raptured before the tribulation. On the other hand I believe that the pre trib rapture will cause a great revival and returning to the Lord like Lazarus coming out of the grave caused the whole world to go after the Lord.

There are pastors making false promises and they will be exposed and put to an open shame, I have covered this extensively on this thread. What happens when trouble arrives? When trouble arrives you learn that the Lord's word that you must take up your cross and follow Him is true. Today there are Christians who don't want to make waves, they are willing to compromise with the word of God to fit in, they are willing to go along to get along. During the tribulation that option will be taken away from them.

But even Stan believes there will be a Pre tribulation rapture of the dead in Christ. He has shared Ken Peters dream. That is proof that you don't need to go through the tribulation to be raptured. Some Christians have chosen to suffer for Christ, they do not shy away from making waves, they refuse to compromise with the word of God. There is no need for them to go through the tribulation, on the contrary by rapturing them you confirm that they were the ones who were following the Lord faithfully.

He does a nice job of going through Albert Pike's book and his vision of the coming 3 world wars. But then he says the third world war is set up in a way that people realize they must reject atheism, they need a god, but they are disillusioned with Christianity. He thinks the reason they are disillusioned is because there is no pre tribulation rapture. This is a trivial doctrine, it seems to me that most Christians (not all, but most) will not even talk about prophecy or eschatology. It seems to me that it is the apostate church which is causing people to be disillusioned. Satanist pretending to be pastors leading their congregation astray. Embracing the LGBTQ+ agenda, marrying the world, dwelling where Satan's throne is, and being dead as a doornail. Already we are seeing many, many people leaving Christianity for what? For new age movement, for materialism, for hedonism, for idolatry, witchcraft, and every evil thing. Teleevangelists in mansions with luxury cars and gold chains are what is causing people to be disillusioned.

Here is another example of being told "what is wrong with the Pre trib rapture" and I am 15 minutes into the video without a single verse reference. If what he means by "pre trib" rapture is "all believers" then I agree, no Biblical basis, a false doctrine. But he hasn't even defined the terms yet.

There is an air of arrogance in Stan, he says the Post trib people do not get bothered by the pre tribbers, it is the pre tribbers who get bothered by the post trib. I don't know what he is talking about. But I certainly don't get bothered by this. I am listening because he is going to present the Bible from a different angle (supposedly, that is what he is promising) and so I figure I'll get some light one way or the other. We don't learn from people who agree with us, we learn from those who have a different opinion.

One thing is obvious, he equates being disillusioned with Christianity with the doctrine of the pre trib rapture. That just seems laughable to me. Open your eyes, the multitude is disillusioned with Christianity right now and it has nothing to do with the pre trib rapture doctrine. Do you think King Charles wants to be the defender of all faiths because of that doctrine? The biggest movements right now are the Green new deal concerning "climate change" and the LGBTQ+ agenda. They don't even talk about the rapture.

According to Albert Pike Christianity and Atheism will both be destroyed at the same time. Now so far everything Albert Pike said had come to pass concerning WW1 and WW2, yet we know that Satan cannot defeat Jesus or His church. So the destruction of "christianity" is a scarecrow that Satan has made, it is the apostate church. What would cause both of these (Christianity and Atheism) to be destroyed "at the same time"? That would be the rapture. The believers who filled with the Holy Spirit are restraining Satan. When they are removed Satan is fully revealed and manifested and he will hate and destroy the apostate church, calling it "christianity" and saying they lied to you. They did lie to you. But atheism is also destroyed because it will be obvious there is a God.

Saying I didn't do my study or didn't dig it out of the scripture is absurd. We are on post #8,595, every post is biblically based. Not every link that I share states the Biblical basis but that is simply because I already have (those would be the posts showing that the things Jesus referred to as birth pains are becoming more frequent and more intense). Many of those links are from outstanding Bible teachers because "by the mouth of two or three witnesses let a thing be established".

At the 16:31 point he begins to go over the chart from some Bible teacher and so we can consider this a reference to the Bible, at least inferentially. This person (not someone that I have posted a link to) has the rapture taking place to a 7 year period called the marriage feast and then Jesus returning. His first complaint is that this person left out the feasts (that is not true of those I have posted links to: Dr. Barnet, Dr. Barry Awe, Pastor Armstrong, and others -- they have all dug extensively into the feasts). His second complaint is that the marriage does not take place on the Feast of Trumpets, but Jesus' return does, hence it can't be seven years. Most people that I have heard teach on this, and something I subscribe to, is that the pattern is King David reigning for 7 1/2 years in Hebron before being made King in Jerusalem. You can also see this pattern in the king's wedding to Esther. The seven years refers to the one week that Leah, the gentile bride, had (we think Leah represents the gentiles because the term "weak eyes" can mean blue eyes).

At 18 minutes he says that prophetic time stopped when Jesus arose. I would tweak that a little, I would say that prophetic time changed when Jesus ascended and I would argue that Jesus ascended on Shavuot (contrary to traditional teaching). After the resurrection Jesus disappeared for a week, he appeared to the disciples on the day of resurrection and then the second time He appears it is a week later. This is because He had to consecrate the priests of the temple for a week (the saints who rose with Him at the feast of firstfruits?) This means that Jesus appearing to the disciples for 40 days was not 40 days after the resurrection but 48 days after or 51 days after the Passover sabbath. Shavuot with Moses going up the mountain is a perfect depiction of Jesus ascension and it is ridiculous to say Jesus was conceived on Hanukkah (the rededication of the temple of man), He was born on Trumpets, circumcised on Atonement, died on Passover, resurrected on Firstfruits, and well ascended on a nothing day. Also if this is two or three days before Shavuot why would Jesus have to tell the disciples to tarry in Jerusalem? If they are there to celebrate Shavuot then of course they will wait another day or two. However, if the ascension is Shavuot then it makes perfect sense they must tarry for 50 days, depicting a completion of grace. Shavuot is called the Feast of weeks because it is based on seven complete sabbaths based on the cycle of the moon. That means it is not 50 days, it is 52 days at the very least and maybe 53 days. Jesus tells them to tarry until they are endued with power, then He ascends to the throne then we are told when the feast of pentecost was fully come, that is the feast of 50 days. We have just switched from sabbaths and the lunar calendar to days and the Roman calendar! This is why I believe prophetic time changed when Jesus ascended to the throne.


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Sep 14, 2020
We are at 18:59 and he is beginning to now go through the verses and he begins with an excellent verse, Acts 1:11 saying that as we have seen Jesus ascend into heaven He will return the same way.

This is a portion of Stan's teaching that I fully agree with. He does an excellent job of describing the return of Jesus in glory.

But, the rapture is not at that time. When Jesus returns in glory he is followed by a heavenly host. Read

Isaiah 26:20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. 21 For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.

I have critiqued several "post trib" teachers on this thread and the common thread of all the ones I have critiqued is that they cannot see the difference between the Lord's coming in glory and the pre tribulation rapture.

Stan says that Jesus returns on First fruits in a lamb body and 144,000 are resurrected. Stan references "the Secret Door to Understanding Bible Prophecy" which is where he sees that this term "first fruits" is the secret. So then, what is a first fruit? Anyone with a garden or a fruit tree or any kind of crop knows they don't all ripen at the same time. I used to have a fig tree that I loved. I would check it every day as the fruit ripened and once they started to get ripe I would go out and eat 5 or 6 ripe figs each day. This is always true. It is true of Barley, Wheat and fruit. If the church is the "wheat harvest" then there must also be a first fruits. By law, in the books of Moses, we must offer up the first fruits to God so that the whole harvest can be holy. The pre tribulation rapture is the offering of the first fruits of the wheat harvest to God.

So we saw this accomplished when Jesus rose from the dead as part of the "Barley" harvest. We also see this with the Jews which are depicted as the fruit harvest. That is the 144,000. So then, it would be absurd to not see this with the church. The reason I think we will see about 1/6th is because it is the "first fruits". Joshua and Caleb represented 1/6th of the 12 spies. Also the Lord gives 3 parables concerning His return, you have a good servant and an evil servant over his house, you have five wise virgins and 5 foolish, and then you have three investors, two traded the gift given to them and one buried it in their backyard. So then half of 12 is six, half of six is 3 and 2/3 of 3 is 2. 2/12 = 1/6th.

So here is another tweak I would make to Stan's teaching. He assumes that the 144,000 are raised on First fruits, they walk around for 50 days and then we come to Pentecost. This is, in my understanding, erroneous. The first fruits have already been raised at the time of Jesus Resurrection. They were the first fruits of the barley harvest. These ones would be raised at Shavuot, that is the first fruits of the wheat harvest. They walk around for 50 days and that brings you to Pentecost, the feast of new wine. (Jesus said that new wine requires new wine skins, the new wine skins are the church, so then when God poured out the spirit on the earth as new wine it was into new wine skins, the church. The church began on the feast of new wine which is why some said "they were drunk on new wine" and Peter said that it was too early for the new wine to have been drunk yet (it gets poured out by the priests at 9am, after that they can drink, Peter is saying it is 9am and it was the Lord Jesus who was pouring out the Holy Spirit as the new wine). Also the feast of new wine is very close to the 9th of Av when God's spirit is poured out as judgement on the earth beginning at the house of God. If you remember the spies return from the good land with huge clusters of grapes. If the grapes are ripe you can make new wine.

Stan says that First fruits the Lord returns on Mt. Zion. Read Hebrews 12, the comparison is between Mt. Sinai at Shavuot and Mt. Zion with the Lamb. Clearly, this is a reference to Shavuot, and it is a reference to Acts 1:11, the Lord returns as He left. He left on Shavuot, He returns on Shavuot. He left from Mt. Zion, He returns to Mt. Zion. 50 days later on Pentecost, the feast of new wine, we go to the marriage supper where the Lord said He would not drink of this cup until He drinks it anew with us. He told us we would be drinking new wine at the marriage supper, hence the feast of new wine (Shavuot is the first fruits of wheat, not the feast of new wine).

At 20:17 he puts up Revelation 14:1-5 saying Pre tribbers don't understand this or read it. He says the "pre tribbers" believe He returns as King on Trumpets, hence we miss the fact that He stands on Mt. Zion as a lamb.

Actually Pre tribbers believe that Jesus does not stand on the Earth at the pre tribulation rapture. Instead we are caught up to the clouds to be with Him.

Later during the tribulation we believe He steps down on Mt. Zion when the move turns from the church to the Jews. What Stan referred to as the prophetic clock stopping is a reference to the 70 weeks in Daniel. Jesus is cut off in the 69th week and then the time of the Gentiles begins for 2 thousand years, and then we get the last week, the seventieth week (in this prophecy weeks = 7 year time periods). Once again, I think this change of time takes place between Shavuot and Pentecost. The church age does not begin until Pentecost, so the 69th week would not stop until that point. Please note that the Feast of Pentecost very likely takes place on the 8th of Av. The 9th of Av judgement falls on the unbelieving Jews, it falls on the temple, and it is a fast day. So, this feast is the day before they will begin a time of fasting. It is a time of mourning and no one gets married at this time. Think about it, you missed the marriage of the lamb so of course you are mourning and not getting married.

Obviously Stan is not familiar with the standard understanding of the Pre tribulation rapture (this is how I learned it based on JN Darby and other fundamental teachers like Watchman Nee) There is a pre tribulation rapture (first fruits) then during the first 3 1/2 years of the tribulation there is a general harvest of the "wheat" (Christians). Many are martyred a few will remain (note that the term Tribulation is based on the greek word for the instrument that they use to thresh the wheat, breaking off the hard outer coat to leave behind the grains). Then in the middle of the tribulation the two witnesses are killed and 3 1/2 days later they rise for the whole world to see. At this point the move is no longer with Christians but with Jews. The gospel fully turns to the Jews with these 144,000. At the end of the seven year period Jesus steps down on the mount of Olives, rescues the Jews as a nation and destroys the armies at Armageddon.

So the Lord stepping down on Mt. Zion instead of Mt. Sinai fits in with this view, it doesn't happen before the tribulation, but so what. It happens as the church age is completely over and we are fully focused on the Jews. There is an overlap of the seventieth week with those who are still being saved from the church just as their is an overlap of the wheat harvest with the grape harvest and just as we have summer school for kids who don't graduate on time. It is the same as saying that we have a five minute grace period for people who are late to a meeting. Therefore it should not be hard to understand that a merciful God can begin to wake up the Jews at the same time He is still saving Christians. So, yes, I can account for the Lord stepping down on Mt. Zion as a lamb and then later coming down on the Mt. of Olives.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
(I have not finished responding to Stan's message, but Vicky has another video to release, I will return to the video that Stan released after this)

As Armies invade, Help is Revealed Dream 2-6-22 at 1:11PM (Originally on Rumble)



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Stan says that Jesus returns to Mt. Zion for the 144,000 Jewish boys that are "firstfruits". Firstfruits of the Jews, not of the church. They become evangelists to the Jews, which would indicate that we had a similar number of "evangelists" for the church that were firstfruits. The Jews are likened to a fruit harvest and the church is likened to a wheat harvest. Both of these harvests must have first fruits offered to God so that the entire harvest can be holy.

He says that they are the firstfruits which means they arose on First fruits. I disagree. When Jesus rose out of the grave we had others rise up with Him on the Feast of Firstfruits. However, you offer first fruits of the wheat harvest at Shavuot, and at the Feast of New wine you offer up the new wine, and for every harvest there is an offering to God of the first fruits. The Feast of first fruits is the harvest of the Barley.

(To be continued...)


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Stan has a whole doctrine based on his end time chart about when all the various things happen and based on that he says you can't have a pretribulation rapture.

Over my 50 years looking into Eschatology I have seen many different charts on the last seven years. I am tired of everyone's charts. My feeling is if you can't tell me when the seven years starts then why should I believe you can tell me anything else?

I don't take it seriously enough to even respond to. Sorry.

He does admit 29:50 into the video that the definition of a rapture is avoiding trouble (Harpazo means to be snatched out of the way of certain death). The first time "in a moment" is used is when God sees the people worshipping Moloch at Mt. Sinai and He says He will destroy them "in a moment". Just as we are snatched out of the way in a moment the destruction is in a moment. Many have had dreams and visions that as nuclear bombs and missiles are falling the saints are going up in the rapture. Stan says the rapture refers to being snatched out of the destruction of the war of Armageddon. I believe that is clearly ruled out by scripture. The New Testament says the believers are not appointed to wrath and the book of Revelation describes God pouring out His wrath prior to Armageddon.

He defines the Day of the Lord as the day the Lord returns. I do not believe that can possibly be true. I believe the Day of the Lord refers to the entire seven year period where the Lord begins to judge the the church, and the nations. There are far too many references for the day of the Lord to think it only refers to a 24 hour period.