Racism: like "black" or "white" churches.; typically in the south.
Displaying a flag of a country in the area where the people meet.
501(c)3 registration.
"Church boards" and "voting" on leadership, where the majority vote is certified.
The elevation of the wealthy to positions of prominence without consideration of their character.
Youth programs that usurp the role of godly parents as the primary source of instruction for children.
"Pastors" of programs and ideas like "lead" pastors and "associate" pastors.
Pastor-centered hegemony for vision and direction and pastor-centered administration.
The practice that believers are only accountable to God for their actions.
Cult-like, predictable messages: mother's day, father's day, graduations, Christmas, Easter, New Years, voting season, Memorial Day, etc.
The exaltation of a country's military and proclaiming that, by their hands, we have freedom.
Adulterers remaining in the congregation without public repentance and action.
Ameri-centric values preached as universal church truths.
Only one person speaking. Usually this person is paid a salary.
Requiring a seminary degree to qualify people for teaching and leadership positions.
Calling a building a "church".
The veneration of the dead via statues and art.
Much of the above is accepted because of tradition and culture. There is little understanding, among Christians, of the characteristics of the culture of the Kingdom of God. Therefore, they are more likely to accept practices that reflect their own traditions without questioning their origin.