If we wait until we are glorified to obey the Great Commission, then we shall find that we have waited far too long.
I think that a part of obeying the great commission has to do with allowing Christ to sanctify us so that we will be a good example.
Even as one person said on here, if we are not good examples, it will not help to call others out on their sins.
I would say that if we actually live the gospel, then when the Holy Spirit has us speak of scriptures that concern sin,
those scriptures will bear more weight with the hearer because we are actually living it.
Also, Jesus said to take the log out of your eye before you try to take the speck out of your brother's eye.
Then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.
So, I would say that we should seek for the Lord to fully convert us before we go about trying to convert other people.