We agree that transgenderism is at best mental illness, but also demonic assault.
We are all “mistakes” in the sense that we are all born sinners.
The difference here is you are looking to justify your sin, instead of confessing and repenting of your sin.
I confess to God and pray every night!! Didnt you read my posts completely?
You say that we are not mistakes yet others say God doesnt make mistakes....Im confused!
Myself I think we are not mistakes, God makes us precisely how He wants us to be.
But I pray every night for my soul to be cleaned. Perhaps, Im not saying I will but perhaps, some of the Christians in this page would be surprised to find themselves in Hell some day while I am in Heaven, because there are many sins that are worse than being transgender. I don't know about that. But I know that I pray every night.
I can also see anger in some of these messages. Anger is a sin too. We, as in the church as a whole because I used to attend church but Im now far from one to attend, cannot act towards our newcomers, towards people who are wondering if they will be saved, like me, or towards fellow Christians, with anger. Because God does not like it when we do. We need to talk with love, with compassion and understanding.
And maybe yeah maybe I am trying to justify this. So? There is medical research going into this. Left propaganda, right propaganda> I dont know Im just a regular person like you so we can't exactly tell whether its propaganda or not. I am not involved in the media, the government, corporate, I dont know what they are trying to do or what is in their mind.
What I do know is that we suffer, we don't want to be this. Nobody in their right mind would want to be shamed, hated, called names, sometimes even murdered (in the Middle East and Africa). But we are this.
I think God , who knows how everyone feels, understands this.
He did tell me in my vision as a kid that He was gonna be with me forever. He is my friend, i hope He understands me then.
I need your prayers and your love, not your anger and your hate.