Awesome possum! That's how little boys play.
It sure is healthier than zoning out on video games, amphetamines and endless loops of cartoons, isn't it? 🥊😎👍
It's been a while since I used this exclamation,
Awesome Possum!
I just lost my little friend last week .
I told myself it would be the last pet I'd ever own.
After a good hour of preaching, guess what I found in my back yard?
A tiny little baby possum separated from it's mother. 🥺
It's not touching sweet sunflower butter, so he probably needs formula. Off to the store to get ingredients. He has a full fur growth but is small enough to fit into the palm of my hand not counting the tail.
Here are two others who raise these wonderful creatures.
Not me, but one more rehabber.