my mum stayed at home too but when were old enough to go to school, she went to work to earn enough. money to pay for our university fees. Must mums do stay home to look after their children until they old enough to be independent. I dont see thats a problem, many part time work was available back then that had school hours, so mums would be home. But then my dad did shift work in the evenig so was home during the day.
That to me was NORMAL. Grandparents couldnt live with us. We didnt have nannies. Whats is this thing where you have babies and abandon them and dont think they need looking after when they are very young? Someone needs to do it. By the time they reach school age, they can walk or ride there on the their own, with siblings or organise buddies and babysitters for them if they under fourteen, and by sixteen the can be driving a car. Many children grow up that way learning to fend for themselves because parents cant do literally EVERYTHING for them. However if they sick they can be helpless and rely on you.
If your parents both worked say in a shop or owned a business you worked with them many a child has been a slave to their parents lol And you CAN have a home business you know.