Why can't Calvinists see that what they believe is a direct denial of scripture?
1 Tim 2:4 ESV who [God] desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Most of God's well intended children, as yourself, deny the scriptures, by holding onto the old law of works to get them to heaven.
Paul left Timothy in Ephesus to charge some in the church that they teach no other doctrine.
The "we" in 1 Tim 2:2, has reference to the church at Ephesus. Timothy even includes himself in telling them to pray for all men in authority over them that the church may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
The "all men" in verse 4, has reference to those men, in the church at Ephesus, who are teaching another doctrine (probably the old law of works), so that they might be saved (delivered) from their ignorance of the gospel. There is a deliverance (salvation here in time) when a born again child of God comes unto a knowledge of the truth.
The letters you have put in red, has reference to those in the church at Ephesus who are teaching another doctrine.