With all the events happening today, do you still believe America is a Christian nation? Biden now supports the LGBT, republicans want to cut benefits to the poor and middle class. Do you still think we are a Christian nation? So many time times in the 80's and 90's I heard Christian leaders calling America a Christian nation. I think that ship has sailed.
I believe Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord, but Sin is a reproach to anyone. The sad thing is no one wants to run to a different nation are they? Those who suffered from Marxism and communism all have nowhere to go anymore. America is under the judgment of God. Yet God is still saving people. The GOP and the DNC are both part of the same bird. America very well may not MAKE IT TO 2024. All signs show this, and you do not have to be a prophet to see that. The starting of Christian persecution is already beginning in America. The media and Joe Biden, all mourned the murderer because of the transgender identity of this boy.
America has made it loud and clear it is open season for Christians. Right now, in TN, students are marching against the NRA in a DNC / Liberal-supported school system where no one holds them accountable for hiding violent students or mental illness.
Public schools use child protection laws to cover up many things 9 out of 10 of the last school shootings were former students with a history of mental illness, and most of the community knew it. Yet it is a gun's fault, or the car, or the knife, but not the schools, homes, and system? There is violence in the land and lawlessness because of sin and unrepentance. The people of God better start standing as Jesus said to do. Or there will be no hiding for you. "He who has that too will be taken away. "