More benefits of the CBDC
We need a whole new view of money, think of it not as cash or something with intrinsic value like silver, no think of it like a gift card to Amazon or some other approved place of business. You get the money and two months later if you did nothing with it then it expires. This will have a distinctly anti inflationary impact as well as being good for the economy as 100% of earnings will be plowed back into the economy.
Also, suppose your account is suspended for a month because of hateful rhetoric about the LGBTQ+ community or even references to books spewing hate speech like the Bible. Well you might want to challenge that decision and schedule a court review. This meets two months later, at which point the government moves that the case be dropped since there is no harm to sue over since your account is now 0.
Good for the economy, keeps inflation low, and eliminates frivolous lawsuits.