Good point! 2008 proved that there were no inside people in the government trying to bring us down. Likewise with the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Military precision, that is what I am talking about.
Besides if 911 had been an inside job, and if the three towers (buildings 1, 2 and 7) had been brought down by explosives then when the ATF had arrived a simple test with a sniffer would have identified that, this test is so simple and so cheap that the ATF didn't even bother to do it, that is how stupid that idea is. Besides you can't hide the evidence of thermite. All you have to do is look at the steel and it would be obvious. Granted the military guarded the steel and wouldn't let the forensic investigators check it out and then sent it to China to be melted down, because that is a stupid idea, so stupid they didn't even need to check it. Besides, thermite burns at a temperature much, much hotter than jet fuel, that fire would have been burning at 2,000 degrees and since thermite burns steel it would have burned for a long, long time. Granted the fire at the World Trade center did burn at 2,000 degrees and it also burned for over a month, the longest fire for a skyscraper in US history, but those are simply inconvenient coincidences.
Nope, there was obviously no motive to do this, other than of course they passed the Patriot act and then got unlimited funding to upgrade our military with drones and robots and AI, but the idea that the US or any other government would conduct an attack so they could blame it on someone else is just ridiculous. Yes, that happened prior to the Vietnam war, and yes, Germany did that prior to WWII, and sure we have had other times the CIA tried to manipulate us and others to carry out their plans.
Look everyone always points to Eisenhower warning us about the military industrial complex taking over, and then the assassination of JFK was a coup, and then Watergate blew up and brought down Nixon because the deep state didn't want a populist president so they set him up with one of the guys who carried out the JFK assassination and then George Bush actually was the guy at the CIA who ran that operation and coincidentally his son is there to run the 911 operation. All of that is too tidy. Sometimes it is just easier to close your eyes, click your heels three times and say "I do believe in coincidences, I do, I do, I do".
Besides if 911 had been an inside job, and if the three towers (buildings 1, 2 and 7) had been brought down by explosives then when the ATF had arrived a simple test with a sniffer would have identified that, this test is so simple and so cheap that the ATF didn't even bother to do it, that is how stupid that idea is. Besides you can't hide the evidence of thermite. All you have to do is look at the steel and it would be obvious. Granted the military guarded the steel and wouldn't let the forensic investigators check it out and then sent it to China to be melted down, because that is a stupid idea, so stupid they didn't even need to check it. Besides, thermite burns at a temperature much, much hotter than jet fuel, that fire would have been burning at 2,000 degrees and since thermite burns steel it would have burned for a long, long time. Granted the fire at the World Trade center did burn at 2,000 degrees and it also burned for over a month, the longest fire for a skyscraper in US history, but those are simply inconvenient coincidences.
Nope, there was obviously no motive to do this, other than of course they passed the Patriot act and then got unlimited funding to upgrade our military with drones and robots and AI, but the idea that the US or any other government would conduct an attack so they could blame it on someone else is just ridiculous. Yes, that happened prior to the Vietnam war, and yes, Germany did that prior to WWII, and sure we have had other times the CIA tried to manipulate us and others to carry out their plans.
Look everyone always points to Eisenhower warning us about the military industrial complex taking over, and then the assassination of JFK was a coup, and then Watergate blew up and brought down Nixon because the deep state didn't want a populist president so they set him up with one of the guys who carried out the JFK assassination and then George Bush actually was the guy at the CIA who ran that operation and coincidentally his son is there to run the 911 operation. All of that is too tidy. Sometimes it is just easier to close your eyes, click your heels three times and say "I do believe in coincidences, I do, I do, I do".
But if you feel like your own government would kill 3,000 Americans then leave. There are plenty of countries available to you