I believe with all my heart that we are seeing the fulfilling of prophecies right before our very eyes.
We are to be watching and praying, being vigilant and sober. We are to be looking for our LORD to come and He told us what to expect just prior to His coming. It is happening.
But only the obedient will see it. Just as Jesus warned that many will be eating and drinking all the way up to His return, just as they did at Noah's day.
I just want to bring awareness, as I have been tracking the Technological advancements in this area for 10 years and they are definitely advancing.
GOD said in Genesis, at the tower of Bable, that if they all have one language, Nothing shall be restrained from them that they imagine to do. Gen.11:6.
Today there is one language with the internet. These are the days that we will see all things fulfilled, if we are watching, and the coming of the LORD.