Bet that was a fun day
Yes I noticed the date last night around 9:11pm. I idly pondered that at 10pm it would be a good time to be outside and so I did spend some time outside in the rain. I rarely use umbrellas and didn't have a dog as an excuse to look reasonable walking in the rain but it was pleasant.
I says to myself "self" if I were were wearing rain boots and rain garb, would I use an umbrella? Probably, because when I hang it up to dry, the less moisture the better for quick storage. Some very idle ponderings about the weather and even the nature of the umbrella and improvements but I digress.
So was it a special time? I don't know, it was unique. I don't think it was because of the date but maybe the date got me outside just because. Cannot say. Felt pretty neutral but just coincidentally amusing.