The scriptures of Ephesians 1:1-13, are addressed by Paul , to the faithful in Christ Jesus and not to the natural man who cannot discern the things of the Spirit.
Hearing and understanding the gospel is not something that the natural man can discern, and thinks it to be foolishness (1 Cor 2:14).
Only God's sheep hear the gospel (John 10:267-29). There is a deliverance (salvation), here in time, when a child of God comes unto a knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4 - the all men are those that Timothy is instructing to teach no other doctrine in 1 Tim 1:3)
If you insist on applying all of the salvation scriptures to eternal salvation, they will tend to teach you that your eternal deliverance is accomplished by your good works.
There are many deliverances that the born again children receives by their good works, in following God's commandments, as they sojourn here in this world.
Salvation, according to Greek definition, means a deliverance.
Of course, we can apply the same with this kind of argument. The Corinthians were addressed by Paul as “sanctified”, or “saints” and this has nothing to do with the natural in mind. In Ephesians 1:1-13, you have to take note that it was only after they have trusted after they heard the gospel or after ye believed” so Paul is going back to their lost spiritual condition that at the moment of their belief in the gospel that they were saved.
True, hearing and understanding without repentance and faith in it would not bring salvation. But the sinner has the ability to hear and respond to the gospel call. The work of the Spirit and the word of God moves the sinners’ hearts to respond in faith to be saved. The Spirit and the word of God are the active agents so that man might respond to the gospel call. A lost sinner either believes or will not believe. This harmonizes the Bible for “whosoever”.
The context in John 10 is about the Jew who heard the truth but did not respond in faith. The Jews that were around not only cast doubt but do not believe in him even though Christ told them the truth. The lesson, hearing the truth without a change of mind and not believing has no bearing on possessing salvation. Of course, the Lord is pretty obvious to say to them they were not of his fold because they didn’t believe at all. Those who believe were counted as God’s sheep. Actually, John 10 is no representation of the gospel. The sheep
follow his voice rather than
believe as the verse proves, hence they were already saved. In essence, this does not support your stand for the “Only God's sheep hear the gospel..” thingy.
I believe in the scripture of truth rather than mere opinions of men but why try to change biblical words to fit your system. I used the word eternal salvation without complicating it. The word of God is clear, Jesus is clear, and the Apostles are clear, that “whosoever” believes on Christ will be saved. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be save” still works.