No. This was written to the world (even though addressed to the Roman Christians). And if you have failed to see the necessity of showing this to the world of sinners, then you need to sit down and take a close look at some of the preaching from the past. Here is a sample from Spurgeon: "...and above all, I beg you, if there be reason or sense in what I have said, bethink yourselves of what you are, and may the Blessed Spirit reveal to you your state! May he show you that you are dead, that you are lost, ruined. May he make you feel what a dreadful thing it would be to sink into hell! May he point you to heaven! May he take you as the angel did of old, and put his hand upon you, and say, "Flee! flee! flee! Look to the mountain; look not behind thee; stay not in all the plain."
I have read many volumes of C.H.Spurgeon's sermons plus all his other books, I regarded him as my virtual pastor for many years and love him still .... though I am never a Calvinist.
I utterly reject Limited Atonement, nasty doctrine.
Spurgeon among Victorian age preachers was very mild, he was not a hell fire preacher, though he believed in eternal punishment as do I.
Revelation has moved on dear brother.
The way God's doctrines successfully move on is not by creating new doctrines or by watering down old doctrines but simply by going back to what the bible teaches. We must have BIBLE faith.
You can't show me one picture of Jesus dealing with people a even good Spurgeon dealt with people, I mean unbelievers.
Show me where He confronted the Magdalene with her awful sins, or any of the disciples, show me where He made them go through the process of repentance, confession that evangelicals insist upon. It is just not there, nor is it there in Pauls public ministry in Acts.
It IS there in Peter's ministry to the Jews who were under the law and in awful transgression of it.
All of Jesu's upbraiding to the disciples was for UNBELIEF ... with His enemies was a different matter.
Paul's letter was to Christian brethren dwelling at Rome, all your saying different does not alter that fact.
And when he talks about sin in the way he does it is mostly directed against the Jews who were insisting upon the law [in all his letters]
"Only tell me this" quoth he to the Galatians "did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law or by hearing with faith?
are you so foolish? having begun with the Spirit are you now ending with the flesh?
Did you experience so many things in vain? if it really is in vain.
Does He who supply the Spirit to you and works miracles among you do so by the works of the law or by hearing with faith?"
verse 6
Thus Abraham BELIEVED God and it was accounted to him as righteousness so you see that it is men of faith who are the sons of Abraham ....
God would justify the Gentiles by faith ....
Paul goes on to say how that the law was added because of sins to be our guardian or custodian or schoolteacher UNTIL...
Who was put under the law, who was put under the custody or guardianship? it was the Jews.
I told you I believe in repentance, FULL repentance, I BELIEVE in the putting away of sin altogether, once and for all
But that is what the gospel IS .... just preach it, tell people their sins are put away, God has sent His Son the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world ... there IS no sin, it's gone, it's all on the cross.
If people believe it they'll be saved, they won't do those things anymore, they'll be like the Magdalene, wet His feet with their tears, glad not to be a hate filled person anymore.
They'll be born again, they will receive new life, even the life of Christ.
But if they turn away and refuse they will be in darkness of death still.