This is ridiculous! You all speak lies and paranoia. Fox news is cheaper than a lobotomy. Trump is the real criminal, not Biden. Biden was elected fairly by the majority of legal voters in the USA. The gun fanatic crazy violent terrorists that attacks the white house in January, were encouraged, guided by Trump.
These are extreme propaganda lies. Fox news is full of lies. Do you really think an American president would support gender mutilation? He might support the lbgtq movement, but that is not the same as gender surgery.
I despise the lbgtq movement because it is a serious sin. But we have no right to violently attack them. We must forgive them and love them. Just like I forgive and love you all in spite of your fanatical paranoid lies. Seek truth!
I believe Joe Biden would support changing a child's gender and people confuse children about their gender even at school, and invite them to gay pride events, and drag queen shows, which they are definitely left wing.
The American Girl Doll has been facing backlash lately for teaching kids about gender transition.
The same is being advocated through their recent book titled A Smart Girl's Guide: Body Image.
This book talks about how a prepubescent can change their gender, and that they can take puberty blockers until they decide what they want and they are left wing.
So it might not come as a surprise if Joe Biden supports children being transgender.
The truth is the Democrat party, left wing, has all the weirdos as part of it, that supports the LGBTQ community, and have a lot of insecure, low self esteem people, with the attitude do not tell us how to live for we can live anyway we want and it makes them feel special for the right wing go against them because of their immorality that is off the charts.
There is even people that belong to the LGBTQ community that have a flag to represent their cause which is called MAP which stands for Minor Attracted Person which is Pedophilia that is how sick some of them are.
They LGBTQ community says do not push your ways on us and do not tell us how to live for we can live anyway we want, and then they push their ways on children which I am not talking about the Pedophiles but the rest of the community.
Which I seen a picture of a gay couple that had a baby with a shirt on that read Gayby.
They do not even want to allow children to make up their minds about their gender and sex orientation and they are pushing them according to their agenda.
The truth is the top level Democrat people follow the new age movement interpretation of the Bible based on the occult and evolution, and people are still evolving to be spiritual, and Jesus is an ascended master in the occult, and the New Age Christ is the final teacher.
Many people say that Eve was created a man and transgendered to be a woman, and the role was reversed and Jesus was genetically born a woman and transgendered to be a man.
The new age movement push homosexuality in society even influencing children for population reduction.
They also believe that when they evolve to be spiritual there is no male and female.
They believe Lucifer descended from Venus to Earth eons ago to bring the principle of mind to the then animal-man and will cause mankind to evolve in the future to be spiritual.
They believe aliens are going to help mankind to have peace on Earth and there are aliens on Earth.
Science says humans are not from the Earth so they are aliens, and the world needs to prepare for an alien encounter.
They pose the question is God an alien as they want to convince the world that God is an alien.
They want to convince the world that Lucifer is a good god and an alien that wants to help mankind to evolve and have peace on Earth.
The United Nations supports many new age organizations and are already following the new age movement interpretation of religions as well as Science supports the new age movement and people evolved and are still evolving.
The new age movement had a hand in the 1960's counter culture movement to get them away from the 1950's attitude.
They wanted to cause the people to be individuals with the attitude do your own thing because individuals will fight more and be selfish and self exalting, and cause immorality, and try to get them to depart from Christianity and become an atheist.
Now they are ready to put them back together for they are ripe for the picking so they can influence them with the new age movement.
They believe the next evolutionary step is the 5th root race, Aryans, 6th sub-race, that will happen in the United States in the 21st century.
Which the next evolutionary step is the new age movement to be able to evolve along with the New Age Christ.
They have to put the people as equal so they will be accepting of each other and feeling accepted.
They have to knock down the white people and boost the black people, minorities.
They have to knock down the men and boost the women.
They have to knock down the religious, mainly Christianity, and boost the atheist.
They have to knock down the heterosexual and boost the homosexual.
They say no fat shaming and portray them as beautiful for there are millions of them so they cannot dismiss them.
Which a man that identified as a female, fat, and not good looking won a beauty contest, and they portray fat women on magazine covers portraying them as beautiful.
Which fat people are beautiful but they are putting them on the same level as people who dedicate themselves to staying fit, eating healthy, and seeking beauty, because they have to cater to the fat people.
Like they have to cater to the black people by changing characters that are known as white to black and causing them to be gay when they used to be straight.
That is why they allowed BLM to knock down statues they thought were racist and riot and loot to boost the black people.
That is why they lie about the white people and say they are all racist, and white guilt, and white privilege, so the black people will say oh those bad white people so they can boost the black people, and say they are doing something about racism.
But actually racism is less among the white people than it was years ago.
They did a survey in 2013 about who people thought were the most racist, and white people, black people, and Hispanics put the black people as the most racist out of the ethnic groups.
Now it is the white people who are the most racist but it is an agenda to knock down the white people.
White privilege does not apply because black people will give black people privilege.
Black people are doing all of the jobs of the white people and can be in positions of authority and status and could give black people privilege as well as the other ethnic groups could give their ethnic group privilege.
There are millions of black people doing better than millions of white people.
I look at the world as a game and all the ethnic groups play the game and point their fingers at other ethnic groups pointing out faults and bad behavior all the while their own ethnic group acts the same.
Black Harvard Sociologist Orlando Patterson said, America, “is now the least racist white-majority society in the world; has a better record of legal protection of minorities than any other society, white or black; offers more opportunities to a greater number of black persons than any other society, including all of those of Africa".
Tom Woods said, I am expected to believe that the United States, among the least racist places on Earth, is really a “white supremacist” society, and that racial disparities in income and other metrics can be caused only by “racism.”
This is so stupid as to be beyond caricature, but in 2020 everyone is expected to believe it.
Thomas Sowell a black man devoted much of his career to debunking this second-grade idiocy — particularly in his outstanding book
Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality? — but I’ve heard some left-libertarians repeat this nonsense as if Sowell had never existed.
They sure will not teach about Thomas Sowell and Orlando Patterson as well as many other black people that teach like that to the black people in school for they do not want them to know about them.
But they have to lie about the white people to knock them down and boost the minorities mainly the black people.
The Democrat party uses the black people as pawns in their twisted little game.
And to have them push Democrat, and socialism, and communism, and anti-capitalist, because they want a new form of government that is a balance between democracy and communism.
So with all that being said Joe Biden is probably in favor of transgender children for it supports their agenda for population reduction which is the new age movement agenda which Joe Biden is a part of it.