Yes, that is what the speaker does and that is how the process works and yes that is what the debate is all about from Man's perspective.
But from God's I think this debate is about something else. This distorted process is all about how Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats were able to circumvent the constitution. The idea that you would put a 4,000 page bill on the floor to spend $1.7 trillion without giving the members a chance to read or debate it is not how I envision the framers of our constitution intended the system to work. We may not have been aware of what was going on, but God was. Before passing judgement and turning Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes God sent down a couple of angels to see if it really was as corrupt and evil as they said it was. God agreed with Abraham that if He could find 10 righteous that would stand for righteousness He wouldn't vaporize the city. That is what I think the purpose of God is behind this debate. Educate all of us about how the swamp works, how they have circumvented the constitution, and tonight we should see how the Republicans led by McCarthy, a bought and paid for member of the corporate cartel, is nothing but controlled opposition. The way they pull the rug out tonight will be how they will pull the rug out in the future.
Everyone remembers that Lot and his two daughters escaped, and his wife was turned to a pillar of salt. But there were also the two sons in law who refused to listen to Lot. There were six that the angels would have rescued from that vicious mob and detestable swamp of a city. Likewise, we are seeing 6 right now who have stood firm to this point and whom McCarthy and his vicious mob will descend upon as soon as he has the gavel in his hand.