Despair Over the Future

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Well-known member
Nov 20, 2018
Isa 65:17
“For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth;
And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind.

Rev 21:4
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.


Isa 65:17
“For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth;
And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind.

Rev 21:4
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Truly these prophecies and also promises are mind boggling. They really are our hope of things to come and we cannot fully appreciate them as they are in another kingdom, God's kingdom.

Most people are hoping that they will see their loved ones in heaven. But this prophecy throws a monkey wrench into that sort of thinking. I, myself cannot claim to fully understand most of the experiences that we will experience in God's kingdom.

But if God made it so you can bet that it will be infinitely perfect and glorious.

John says this about the kingdom.

1Jn 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

Paul says this:

1Co_2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

So there is no need for debates or arguments for God has reserved a magnificent heavenly kingdom which our human mind cannot comprehend at this time
Feb 20, 2016
Isa 65:17
“For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth;
And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind.

Rev 21:4
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
I just look forward to when money is cast into the lake of fire. Pretty much every major problem in the world can be blamed on it.

Why is war still such a big problem? Firearms trading is big business.

Why is cancer still a problem and why is American healthcare so expensive? Because its model is profit over people; if we cured cancer, where would all that easy money come from?

Why is porn the scourge of nations? Cause people pay for it in every way.

Why do the 1% control the American government? Simple, they have money.

Income tax is illegal and the IRS is unconstitutional, yet they exist.

Do you see now why I hate money so much?


Active member
Sep 15, 2022
I just look forward to when money is cast into the lake of fire. Pretty much every major problem in the world can be blamed on it.

Why is war still such a big problem? Firearms trading is big business.

Why is cancer still a problem and why is American healthcare so expensive? Because its model is profit over people; if we cured cancer, where would all that easy money come from?

Why is porn the scourge of nations? Cause people pay for it in every way.

Why do the 1% control the American government? Simple, they have money.

Income tax is illegal and the IRS is unconstitutional, yet they exist.

Do you see now why I hate money so much?
HistoryPrincess that is an interesting, eye opening take on what is happening in the world.


I just look forward to when money is cast into the lake of fire. Pretty much every major problem in the world can be blamed on it.

Why is war still such a big problem? Firearms trading is big business.

Why is cancer still a problem and why is American healthcare so expensive? Because its model is profit over people; if we cured cancer, where would all that easy money come from?

Why is porn the scourge of nations? Cause people pay for it in every way.

Why do the 1% control the American government? Simple, they have money.

Income tax is illegal and the IRS is unconstitutional, yet they exist.

Do you see now why I hate money so much?

You should hate money as God himself hates those who love money, as the love of it is the root of all evil.

1Ti 6:7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
1Ti 6:8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.

1Ti 6:9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
1Ti 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Jesus told Pilate this, just before his crucifixion:

John 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

The world, this world belongs to the devil. Specifically the hearts of the people in the world belong to Satan. Anyone in the world is free to join them and thus inherit the rewards that are due to them which is money, status, and pride in the material things that you can possess and all the pleasures that money can buy. But you will have to step on others if you plan to go up the ladder and possible lie and cheat and do what they do.

Revelation 18 tells us to come out of them.

Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

1Jn 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

This is my personal opinion. Most people who call themselves children of God in this world today, I believe belong to or can be identified with the church of Laodicea.

Rev 3:14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
Rev 3:15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
Rev 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Rev 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

Now the question is - choose ye this day whom ye will serve.

The world's system or God (the word of God)

The mystery of Christianity is that our perfect reward is in heaven. Therefore the elements of faith and hope are paramount.

The world is getting their reward right now the here and now and there is no future hope for them.

Our reward on this earth is peace of mind. The peace of mind comes when we exercise our faith in God and God in return gives us grace to understand his truths and the power to live a godly life.
God made it hard so that no fly by night can enter into his kingdom. It is hard but necessary and with the peace of mind we can live a productive, wholesome and godly life.

The key really is in the bible. When you come to understand that the bible was not written by man, but by God, and thus is not of this world, but is actually out of this world, then you will be able to have faith. You must believe the bible 100%. If the bible is faulty then God would be faulty. But because God is perfect then the bible is perfect and no man can change, alter or destroy it. There is only one thing physically perfect in this world and that is the bible.

If God made this earth and the heavens by his word, then God has the ability to keep his word, intact and available to us because the bible is what teaches us and tells us everything about God. If we truly believe then God's Spirit will enable us to understand all things.

Romans 7 and Romans 8 tells us how to overcome sin in this world which really comes through Jesus Christ. But reading it equips you to be receptive to what is going to happen to you.


Income tax is illegal and the IRS is unconstitutional, yet they exist.

Do you see now why I hate money so much?
John 17 says that we are in the world but not of the world.
And Jesus again says give to Caesar what is Caesar's.

The only time Jesus interacted with the world was when he was asked to pay taxes and lastly when he was brought before Palate to be crucified.

Jesus did not have any grouses (complaints) against the world's system, because he was not a part of it and thus did not expect anything from it.

The world's system was created by God for those who are lost. God is sovereign and rules over everything including the Devil and also the system of the world. This sounds strange but God rules over the godly and the ungodly.

But they are 2 different systems independent of each other and not connected. The spiritual world of which we are a part of is not connected to the carnal world which really should be foreign to us.

The Old Testament people of God are a perfect example of this. God prohibited them from interacting with the other nations except to destroy them at the appropriate time. This is a very difficult thing for most to accept because they do not understand the ways of God.

God demands holiness from his chosen people and he knows that if they move among the heathen they would become contaminated and thus err and fall from his grace towards them.

The entire world without exception serves Satan today (aka the beast or the world system) and if you become a part of them, you will suffer the same fate that they will suffer.

Rev 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Rev 13:9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
Rev 13:10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

As you can see war is the name of the game in these last days and all nations are gearing up for a final showdown. (They will all perish, he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword)
That includes USA, the European Union, Asia, Africa, in fact all nations except for a remnant people of God (not belonging to the world system), scattered around the world, who will be saved.


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2020
Let me start this by saying I am a Bible-believing Christian. I was raised in the faith and got saved when I was 17. I know my stuff, got it?

Anyway, Christians are supposed to have hope, but the problem is, I'm not seeing too much of it right now. I know I live in the first world and therefore do not have the right to feel bad about anything, but I'm gonna be brutally honest. I'm one year away from turning 30, and I see my life afterward as a downward hill of loss for everything and everyone that's given my life meaning.

My parents, my youthful energy, my personality and drive, my home, and then my life. Time is moving way too fast for me to keep up with it, and I knew I'm gonna lose all those things before I know it. I'm not married and don't have kids (and don't ever intend to do either), and I also have next to no friends outside my family, despite my years of trying to make some (friendship is apparently too much trouble nowadays).

I honestly view the coming decades as seeing me slowly decaying in a shed in my sister's backyard, yearning for human interaction but too angry and embittered by life to receive any. And then I'll die alone, with no one and nothing left with me.

I find the idea distasteful, but at the moment, it just seems inevitable to me. I don't wanna wait till I'm dead to actually have some sense of "joy" (as most Christians would call it). And as much of a Christian as I am, I will admit I do not read my Bible and do not attend church. The former, because I'm tired of reading the same things I've heard all my life over and over again. The latter, because Churches in general just don't know what to do with people like me.

And for all that "relationship with God" talk, I call BS. God and I are nothing alike, and after trying everything I was told to do and receiving no lasting results, I've given up. If there's any relationship between us, it's strictly one of business.

And going back to how Christians are supposed to have hope, I remember distinctly being 9 years old and thinking, "I don't wanna live forever." People keep saying the new heaven and the new earth will be infinitely better than now, and to that I say, "How? Have you been there? Can you give me any real info beyond what the Bible says (which isn't much)?"

The fact of the matter is, this life is all I know. I don't care if it's fallen. And as inevitable as it is, I find the idea of 5 decades of terminal decline utterly distasteful. And then I'm gonna be forced to give it up for some vague, abstract concept of a world that's supposed to be better but gives me no reason to support that claim. I'm supposed to have faith in God, and I want to. But it makes me angry thinking of how utterly powerless I am over 90% of my life. It makes me wonder why I was even born to begin with.

For a lot of people, nebulous faith may be fine, but the truth is, not everyone can have an intimate "relationship" with God. Some of us need something concrete and certain, something we can imagine. And for all the promises God and eternal life with him offer, I just don't think he can give me that. I can't look forward to what I can't imagine.

Enjoy your early years while you can younger people, 'cause sooner or later, it's all gonna be snatched away.
Again Sister. Bear with me. I know you're tired and you're angry.

But what you don't understand is that you have time. And resources. And plenty of access to opportunities which we would not have in a 3rd world country or developing country.

You absolutely lack purpose. You alone can find that out for yourself.

You're sadly mistaken about your faith. For you, faith seems to be rules and duty. You don't feel love through God.

Don't get me wrong. I'm trying to understand what you're going through. I know I can't 100℅. But that's all I can do.

So, you have to find one thing which gets you going. It could be arts. Painting, instruments of music, singing, teaching? Sculpting? A clerk? A fashion designer? You have to dig deep. A bycyclist. Something which you can do without a problem for the rest of your life. It could even be a Janitor. Or a transcriptionist. A part time job. That's your way out. Waitress? You have what many of us don't have here in our country. Dignity of labour.

The world isn't always about what you get. It's what you give. There are people fighting for their lives in the hospital to live one more day, to sing one more song, to look at the sun one more time... They won't. But you will be waking up tomorrow and the day after.

Life here isn't forever. I've had my moments. Oh yes. God allowed me to look at how deep the abyss is. He saved me so many times.

Today I'm still here.

Okay. You don't want to base your life on God. Fine. It's not up to me. It's your choice.

You still are accountable to how you put your abilities to use. If not God or family, then to yourself.

There are people out there who have no money and they run hawking and peddeling shops to run a family and kids on minimum wages with government aid.

That's their purpose.

There are social workers who do work to benefit the less fortune in society.

There are bus drivers and train operators. They live lives too.

You don't have to be an extrovert to live your life. You don't need friends or family either.

You just get up and do it like the rest of everyone else on this planet does.

One step at a time. You have to keep hammering away at the comfortable wall you've built for yourself and which you let the society around you build for you.
Keep hammering away till something in the wall gives.

What I'm saying is, don't be LAZY. GO find what YOU'RE GOOD FOR.

Else all these foresights you have of yourself living will come true in your life. No one will fight for you in life unless you fight for yourself.

I know what I say is harsh. But that's how hard I am on myself.

It's not about how old you get everyday. It's what you do everyday to get to the end. Don't try to reach the end of your life before it even begins. If something like that really happens, you can see what can be done when you cross that bridge. You're not there yet. You're not certain you will fail.

If this post is not helpful to you, then I'm sorry for wasting my time and yours.

I wish you well. Peace be with you.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2022
The world isn't always about what you get. It's what you give. There are people fighting for their lives in the hospital to live one more day, to sing one more song, to look at the sun one more time... They won't. But you will be waking up tomorrow and the day after.

Life here isn't forever. I've had my moments. Oh yes. God allowed me to look at how deep the abyss is. He saved me so many times.

Today I'm still here.

Okay. You don't want to base your life on God. Fine. It's not up to me. It's your choice.

You still are accountable to how you put your abilities to use. If not God or family, then to yourself.

There are people out there who have no money and they run hawking and peddeling shops to run a family and kids on minimum wages with government aid.

That's their purpose.

There are social workers who do work to benefit the less fortune in society.

There are bus drivers and train operators. They live lives too.

You don't have to be an extrovert to live your life. You don't need friends or family either.

You just get up and do it like the rest of everyone else on this planet does.

One step at a time. You have to keep hammering away at the comfortable wall you've built for yourself and which you let the society around you build for you.
Keep hammering away till something in the wall gives.

What I'm saying is, don't be LAZY. GO find what YOU'RE GOOD FOR.

Else all these foresights you have of yourself living will come true in your life. No one will fight for you in life unless you fight for yourself.

I know what I say is harsh. But that's how hard I am on myself.

It's not about how old you get everyday. It's what you do everyday to get to the end. Don't try to reach the end of your life before it even begins. If something like that really happens, you can see what can be done when you cross that bridge. You're not there yet. You're not certain you will fail.

If this post is not helpful to you, then I'm sorry for wasting my time and yours.

I wish you well. Peace be with you.
I want to express my appreciation for this post. Some of it keeps ringing in my head and is just what I needed to hear. So Thank you and know that your labor in the LORD is not in vain.


Again Sister. Bear with me. I know you're tired and you're angry.

But what you don't understand is that you have time. And resources. And plenty of access to opportunities which we would not have in a 3rd world country or developing country.

You absolutely lack purpose. You alone can find that out for yourself.

You're sadly mistaken about your faith. For you, faith seems to be rules and duty. You don't feel love through God.

Don't get me wrong. I'm trying to understand what you're going through. I know I can't 100℅. But that's all I can do.

So, you have to find one thing which gets you going. It could be arts. Painting, instruments of music, singing, teaching? Sculpting? A clerk? A fashion designer? You have to dig deep. A bycyclist. Something which you can do without a problem for the rest of your life. It could even be a Janitor. Or a transcriptionist. A part time job. That's your way out. Waitress? You have what many of us don't have here in our country. Dignity of labour.

The world isn't always about what you get. It's what you give. There are people fighting for their lives in the hospital to live one more day, to sing one more song, to look at the sun one more time... They won't. But you will be waking up tomorrow and the day after.

Life here isn't forever. I've had my moments. Oh yes. God allowed me to look at how deep the abyss is. He saved me so many times.

Today I'm still here.

Okay. You don't want to base your life on God. Fine. It's not up to me. It's your choice.

You still are accountable to how you put your abilities to use. If not God or family, then to yourself.

There are people out there who have no money and they run hawking and peddeling shops to run a family and kids on minimum wages with government aid.

That's their purpose.

There are social workers who do work to benefit the less fortune in society.

There are bus drivers and train operators. They live lives too.

You don't have to be an extrovert to live your life. You don't need friends or family either.

You just get up and do it like the rest of everyone else on this planet does.

One step at a time. You have to keep hammering away at the comfortable wall you've built for yourself and which you let the society around you build for you.
Keep hammering away till something in the wall gives.

What I'm saying is, don't be LAZY. GO find what YOU'RE GOOD FOR.

Else all these foresights you have of yourself living will come true in your life. No one will fight for you in life unless you fight for yourself.

I know what I say is harsh. But that's how hard I am on myself.

It's not about how old you get everyday. It's what you do everyday to get to the end. Don't try to reach the end of your life before it even begins. If something like that really happens, you can see what can be done when you cross that bridge. You're not there yet. You're not certain you will fail.

If this post is not helpful to you, then I'm sorry for wasting my time and yours.

I wish you well. Peace be with you.

Hi, I hope I am not intruding on your advice to HistoryPrincess, but I think or rather I know that you are wrong in your advice. Of course she may be on a downward spiral to ... I don't know where.
But your advice is not leading her to God. In fact she might be closer to finding God than you might suspect.

I am saying this not for her benefit but for your benefit. It is better to be totally unsettled and unhappy in this life than to be settled with this world system that leads to death, and destruction.

Hopefully if she is elect of God, she will sooner or later be shown the light by God and will be set free. At that time she will experience peace that this world cannot give to her

But keeping busy and doing things to pass the time of day is not the way to God.


I want to express my appreciation for this post. Some of it keeps ringing in my head and is just what I needed to hear. So Thank you and know that your labor in the LORD is not in vain.
I have always been known as a know it all, long before I started serving God. I struggle with the impulse to speak my mind because I believe that I do know the truth, but I know that those hearing me will hate me for what I have to say. But I say it anyway, taking pains to be courteous and respectful in how I say it. Maybe I have been blessed with this ability to discern. But the truth is the truth is the truth and I believe that you are missing the truth of God in your life, from the answer you gave to Justahumanbeing.

Who makes me a judge.? Well since you call yourself a Christian and purport to be serving God, as a child of God myself, I must warn you if you seem to going offtrack, especially if you are in my sphere of influence.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2022
I have always been known as a know it all, long before I started serving God. I struggle with the impulse to speak my mind because I believe that I do know the truth, but I know that those hearing me will hate me for what I have to say. But I say it anyway, taking pains to be courteous and respectful in how I say it. Maybe I have been blessed with this ability to discern. But the truth is the truth is the truth and I believe that you are missing the truth of God in your life, from the answer you gave to Justahumanbeing.

Who makes me a judge.? Well since you call yourself a Christian and purport to be serving God, as a child of God myself, I must warn you if you seem to going offtrack, especially if you are in my sphere of influence.
I totally agree with you!

Somehow, I missed the last post and read the one where she was angry at money...
I am thankful for you pointing that out to me.

I do agree that at those times in our lives when we are dissatisfied with our lot is usually times that the Father is doing the deepest most lasting work if we press through to find the Victory and Purpose in the Heart of His Will for our personal life.

Again, Thank you for caring and being courageous to speak up.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2022
Let me start this by saying I am a Bible-believing Christian. I was raised in the faith and got saved when I was 17. I know my stuff, got it?

Anyway, Christians are supposed to have hope, but the problem is, I'm not seeing too much of it right now. I know I live in the first world and therefore do not have the right to feel bad about anything, but I'm gonna be brutally honest. I'm one year away from turning 30, and I see my life afterward as a downward hill of loss for everything and everyone that's given my life meaning.

My parents, my youthful energy, my personality and drive, my home, and then my life. Time is moving way too fast for me to keep up with it, and I knew I'm gonna lose all those things before I know it. I'm not married and don't have kids (and don't ever intend to do either), and I also have next to no friends outside my family, despite my years of trying to make some (friendship is apparently too much trouble nowadays).

I honestly view the coming decades as seeing me slowly decaying in a shed in my sister's backyard, yearning for human interaction but too angry and embittered by life to receive any. And then I'll die alone, with no one and nothing left with me.

I find the idea distasteful, but at the moment, it just seems inevitable to me. I don't wanna wait till I'm dead to actually have some sense of "joy" (as most Christians would call it). And as much of a Christian as I am, I will admit I do not read my Bible and do not attend church. The former, because I'm tired of reading the same things I've heard all my life over and over again. The latter, because Churches in general just don't know what to do with people like me.

And for all that "relationship with God" talk, I call BS. God and I are nothing alike, and after trying everything I was told to do and receiving no lasting results, I've given up. If there's any relationship between us, it's strictly one of business.

And going back to how Christians are supposed to have hope, I remember distinctly being 9 years old and thinking, "I don't wanna live forever." People keep saying the new heaven and the new earth will be infinitely better than now, and to that I say, "How? Have you been there? Can you give me any real info beyond what the Bible says (which isn't much)?"

The fact of the matter is, this life is all I know. I don't care if it's fallen. And as inevitable as it is, I find the idea of 5 decades of terminal decline utterly distasteful. And then I'm gonna be forced to give it up for some vague, abstract concept of a world that's supposed to be better but gives me no reason to support that claim. I'm supposed to have faith in God, and I want to. But it makes me angry thinking of how utterly powerless I am over 90% of my life. It makes me wonder why I was even born to begin with.

For a lot of people, nebulous faith may be fine, but the truth is, not everyone can have an intimate "relationship" with God. Some of us need something concrete and certain, something we can imagine. And for all the promises God and eternal life with him offer, I just don't think he can give me that. I can't look forward to what I can't imagine.

Enjoy your early years while you can younger people, 'cause sooner or later, it's all gonna be snatched away.
I want to apologize for a post that I responded to in agreement with advise that I do not necessarily agree with. I misread some posts and responded to some of the advice he gave but, was thinking of something that I myself was going through.

I feel terrible for where you find yourself at this time... All I can say is I've gone through many low times in my faith where I found it so very hard to take the next step.
I would like to impart some hope through my own experience.
I have found myself for most of my life alone in my faith and very misunderstood. I have seriously struggled a few times with bitterness at the lot I had been dealt in life.
The LORD by His grace saw me through those times as I was in "white knuckling" moments, Crying out to Him with All my Heart.
I take comfort in 1 Peter 5:4-11. Especially vs.10, where it says "But the GOD of all Grace, who hath called us unto His Eternal Glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, make you PERFECT, STABLISH, STRENGTHEN, SETTLE you."
This may not seem much comfort at the moment but, please consider the alternative.
If We Do Not OVERCOME (by diligently seeking and obeying Him) we have no hope of eternity in peace and eternal life.
You really have no option. I don't mean to be bossy...
You must use these times of "midnight in your soul" to call you into a determined seeking of the Father.
Do not limit Him. He promises that those that come to Him must believe that He Is and He is a Rewarder of those that Diligently seek Him. All who seek, find...
Please don't give up. I understand what you mean about the churches not knowing what to do with you. I've experienced the same.
I encourage you to get into the Word, asking GOD to reveal Himself to you in a personal way. He is a Very personal GOD, that is why He sent His Son., to bring us back into what was lost at the Garden of Eden.
I Love to read the Psalms. I feel like David understood the things I feel and he understood the Father the way I am getting to know him.
I pray that you may get to know GOD as Father. Read what Jesus says. He has revealed to us the person of the Father.
I know it may seem like I am telling you to do this and do that, but really, I have been in a place similar to what you have described and if you press in- Don't give up- Don't allow the enemy through bitter thoughts and memories to defeat your soul.
Cry out to GOD! He Will hear your voice!
If you would ever like to message me, please do. I love you and am praying for you. angela


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2022
As it stands, the main thing I associate with being a girl…is being WEAK.
I understand your sentiments... I've been there. It seems that we have similar childhood thoughts.
it was strange to see you write the same thoughts and emotions I've had as a girl and even a few years ago.
I wish I could give you a taste of what I have learned in my experience. It is hard to convey, especially with all of your raw emotions you feel right now. (I am not putting you down for them, again I have been there.)
All I know is GOD knows and cares too. There is more to the picture than you can see at this moment.
If you would ever like to talk, I'm here. angela


Active member
Nov 30, 2022
Again Sister. Bear with me. I know you're tired and you're angry.

But what you don't understand is that you have time. And resources. And plenty of access to opportunities which we would not have in a 3rd world country or developing country.

You absolutely lack purpose. You alone can find that out for yourself.

You're sadly mistaken about your faith. For you, faith seems to be rules and duty. You don't feel love through God.

Don't get me wrong. I'm trying to understand what you're going through. I know I can't 100℅. But that's all I can do.

So, you have to find one thing which gets you going. It could be arts. Painting, instruments of music, singing, teaching? Sculpting? A clerk? A fashion designer? You have to dig deep. A bycyclist. Something which you can do without a problem for the rest of your life. It could even be a Janitor. Or a transcriptionist. A part time job. That's your way out. Waitress? You have what many of us don't have here in our country. Dignity of labour.

The world isn't always about what you get. It's what you give. There are people fighting for their lives in the hospital to live one more day, to sing one more song, to look at the sun one more time... They won't. But you will be waking up tomorrow and the day after.

Life here isn't forever. I've had my moments. Oh yes. God allowed me to look at how deep the abyss is. He saved me so many times.

Today I'm still here.

Okay. You don't want to base your life on God. Fine. It's not up to me. It's your choice.

You still are accountable to how you put your abilities to use. If not God or family, then to yourself.

There are people out there who have no money and they run hawking and peddeling shops to run a family and kids on minimum wages with government aid.

That's their purpose.

There are social workers who do work to benefit the less fortune in society.

There are bus drivers and train operators. They live lives too.

You don't have to be an extrovert to live your life. You don't need friends or family either.

You just get up and do it like the rest of everyone else on this planet does.

One step at a time. You have to keep hammering away at the comfortable wall you've built for yourself and which you let the society around you build for you.
Keep hammering away till something in the wall gives.

What I'm saying is, don't be LAZY. GO find what YOU'RE GOOD FOR.

Else all these foresights you have of yourself living will come true in your life. No one will fight for you in life unless you fight for yourself.

I know what I say is harsh. But that's how hard I am on myself.

It's not about how old you get everyday. It's what you do everyday to get to the end. Don't try to reach the end of your life before it even begins. If something like that really happens, you can see what can be done when you cross that bridge. You're not there yet. You're not certain you will fail.

If this post is not helpful to you, then I'm sorry for wasting my time and yours.

I wish you well. Peace be with you.
Somehow in all this discussion, people seem to have missed History Princess saying she is a creative person. She likes to write stories. She did say (if I'm not mistaken) that she has trouble finishing them.
So it's not she is sitting around doing nothing.


I totally agree with you!

Somehow, I missed the last post and read the one where she was angry at money...
I am thankful for you pointing that out to me.

I do agree that at those times in our lives when we are dissatisfied with our lot is usually times that the Father is doing the deepest most lasting work if we press through to find the Victory and Purpose in the Heart of His Will for our personal life.

Again, Thank you for caring and being courageous to speak up.
Maybe I am not a good communicator, also not a good listener, as I am at a loss to your response to me. I know that I am not suppose to be talking to you, as it is prohibited by God for me to keep company with an infidel. But I guess God made you that way else you would not be so.

As Jesus said to Judas it would have been better if you had not been born and thus I believe you have no choice but to do whatever that God has appointed for you to do.

This site is very vexing and God has allowed it to exist in order to fulfill his perfect will. (Not what you think)


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2022
Maybe I am not a good communicator, also not a good listener, as I am at a loss to your response to me. I know that I am not suppose to be talking to you, as it is prohibited by God for me to keep company with an infidel. But I guess God made you that way else you would not be so.

As Jesus said to Judas it would have been better if you had not been born and thus I believe you have no choice but to do whatever that God has appointed for you to do.

This site is very vexing and God has allowed it to exist in order to fulfill his perfect will. (Not what you think)
I meant to say that I only read post #103 and thought that justahumanbeing was responding to that post... That is why I had agreed. Not so much with his response to her but a few things in his response rang in my mind as pertaining to myself.
I am new at using a chat room and I am finding myself making mistakes all over. I don't mean to and as I realize my errors I am attempting to make things right. Hope this brings clarity and some grace...


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2020
I have always been known as a know it all, long before I started serving God. I struggle with the impulse to speak my mind because I believe that I do know the truth, but I know that those hearing me will hate me for what I have to say. But I say it anyway, taking pains to be courteous and respectful in how I say it. Maybe I have been blessed with this ability to discern. But the truth is the truth is the truth and I believe that you are missing the truth of God in your life, from the answer you gave to Justahumanbeing.

Who makes me a judge.? Well since you call yourself a Christian and purport to be serving God, as a child of God myself, I must warn you if you seem to going offtrack, especially if you are in my sphere of influence.
Hi, I hope I am not intruding on your advice to HistoryPrincess, but I think or rather I know that you are wrong in your advice. Of course she may be on a downward spiral to ... I don't know where.
But your advice is not leading her to God. In fact she might be closer to finding God than you might suspect.

I am saying this not for her benefit but for your benefit. It is better to be totally unsettled and unhappy in this life than to be settled with this world system that leads to death, and destruction.

Hopefully if she is elect of God, she will sooner or later be shown the light by God and will be set free. At that time she will experience peace that this world cannot give to her

But keeping busy and doing things to pass the time of day is not the way to God.
I'm a man of faith and love for my God. You have misinterpreted what I wrote to her.

She sounds very negative in what she wrote. And she's looking for answers outside of our faith and outside of God for reasons you or I may not know. Now, I don't know about you, but I've been there and let me tell you that God brought me back to Him. I suffered because I left my faith in Him. He didn't abandon me.

She's depressed. Now, I'm all for her to believe in God. But there's a blockage which hinders her from feeling God's presence in her life. The negative is speaking to her and discouraging her. So, she refuses to see God in her life and in all creation.

My advice to her is to start finding ways to make a life for herself using the gifts and talents God has given her. To act instead of being inactive without taking any initiative to better her situation. I never asked her to not follow God. She should realise that God helps those who help themselves.

This young lady is stuck in her life. So, she has to find options to better her situation.

You're right in encouraging her to finding God. What I gave her is what I would do in such a situation. Now in your eyes, that may be wrong. Not in mine.

Regardless of her current conflict with belief in Our God, she is going through a phase of depression and she needs options to try. And that's all I gave her. She needs to better her situation and she has what it takes.

She didn't want to look at her life wholistically with God like we as believers do, but she has to start somewhere. Postive cobstructive ways to live life on this earrh productively. My message was to History Princess. But you may have misinterpreted what I meant. So, I'm making it clear that this not the case.

I didn't discourage her. I understand that she is looking for a plan of action. That's what I gave her.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2022

I'm a man of faith and love for my God. You have misinterpreted what I wrote to her.

She sounds very negative in what she wrote. And she's looking for answers outside of our faith and outside of God for reasons you or I may not know. Now, I don't know about you, but I've been there and let me tell you that God brought me back to Him. I suffered because I left my faith in Him. He didn't abandon me.

She's depressed. Now, I'm all for her to believe in God. But there's a blockage which hinders her from feeling God's presence in her life. The negative is speaking to her and discouraging her. So, she refuses to see God in her life and in all creation.

My advice to her is to start finding ways to make a life for herself using the gifts and talents God has given her. To act instead of being inactive without taking any initiative to better her situation. I never asked her to not follow God. She should realise that God helps those who help themselves.

This young lady is stuck in her life. So, she has to find options to better her situation.

You're right in encouraging her to finding God. What I gave her is what I would do in such a situation. Now in your eyes, that may be wrong. Not in mine.

Regardless of her current conflict with belief in Our God, she is going through a phase of depression and she needs options to try. And that's all I gave her. She needs to better her situation and she has what it takes.

She didn't want to look at her life wholistically with God like we as believers do, but she has to start somewhere. Postive cobstructive ways to live life on this earrh productively. My message was to History Princess. But you may have misinterpreted what I meant. So, I'm making it clear that this not the case.

I didn't discourage her. I understand that she is looking for a plan of action. That's what I gave her.
I understand where you are coming from, and I do not want to sit in judgement of your advice.
I only wanted to address my error in not reading the full post that you had responded to.
I was more appreciating the advice you gave and took it more personally than that you were responding to her posts.
I still appreciate what you advised, personally. And I am very sorry to cause so much confusion. :cautious:



I'm a man of faith and love for my God. You have misinterpreted what I wrote to her.

She sounds very negative in what she wrote. And she's looking for answers outside of our faith and outside of God for reasons you or I may not know. Now, I don't know about you, but I've been there and let me tell you that God brought me back to Him. I suffered because I left my faith in Him. He didn't abandon me.

She's depressed. Now, I'm all for her to believe in God. But there's a blockage which hinders her from feeling God's presence in her life. The negative is speaking to her and discouraging her. So, she refuses to see God in her life and in all creation.

My advice to her is to start finding ways to make a life for herself using the gifts and talents God has given her. To act instead of being inactive without taking any initiative to better her situation. I never asked her to not follow God. She should realise that God helps those who help themselves.

This young lady is stuck in her life. So, she has to find options to better her situation.

You're right in encouraging her to finding God. What I gave her is what I would do in such a situation. Now in your eyes, that may be wrong. Not in mine.

Regardless of her current conflict with belief in Our God, she is going through a phase of depression and she needs options to try. And that's all I gave her. She needs to better her situation and she has what it takes.

She didn't want to look at her life wholistically with God like we as believers do, but she has to start somewhere. Postive cobstructive ways to live life on this earrh productively. My message was to History Princess. But you may have misinterpreted what I meant. So, I'm making it clear that this not the case.

I didn't discourage her. I understand that she is looking for a plan of action. That's what I gave her.
I understand fully what you are saying. (In my opinion it is the world's way, the world's wisdom)
What I am going to say is not directed to her or even to you but to those who believe in the One True God.
Faith in God transcends man's wisdom or man's psychology. Psychology is for the people of the world who do not know God. It works very well in that environment.
But to a Christian, it does not work because it is a trap pulling them into another world not of God. The devil does not come with 2 horns but as a lamb seducing you to trust in things that appear to be good and normal.
The truth can never be watered down and is based fully and only on faith. To depart from that premise is to take the bait and sink gradually into a place of no return.

There is no substitute for Christian suffering as it is mandatory for those who will enter into God's kingdom. Remember that Jesus states that those who would be rich or comfortable in this world has already got their reward (here on this earth). Recall the story of the rich man (Dives) and Lazarus.

My approach is to fight and strive, neither turning to the right or to the left from the word of God and God will surely grant you peace and harmony as sure as night follows day.