What does the law on the books say about that crime already?
I don't know how this new permission for genital augmentation can be allowed for minor children.
If a court defense in a criminal proceeding involving a minor child dependent is able to argue the child's age and lack of mental development precluded them knowing the full ramifications behind their crime, how can the medical profession be led to believe a young male child is able to decide they want surgery on their male parts so to become
a surgical replica of the female anatomy?
This surgery does not let males nor females become anatomically functioning members of the opposite sex. Rather, the surgery is providing opposite gender accessories for appearance sake.
Furthermore, we know children's hormones are still developing until they reach a certain age.An age unique to the individual.
Transition programs entail a cocktail of prescription drugs to chemically block and alter natural body hormone chemistry.
Blocking hormones in minors when their natural hormones are not yet fully balanced in my view is child abuse.
That's now lawful.
A long time ago I heard it said the mark of the beast isn't a number, but a symbol.
If we go with the theory it is a number maybe it has already arrived.
Today newborns are issued their individual serial number,
social security number, while still in hospital. It is comprised of 9 digits.
It is said there are many dimensions beyond what we know as this third one. And that each dimension has a mirror opposite linked to it.
Think of looking in a mirror while wearing a shirt with a number embossed. That number in the mirrors reflection appears in reverse.
What if the mark of the beast we've been looking for is not only here already, because you cannot buy or sell without a SSN, but in that dimensional reverse model arrived as those 9 SS numbers in a three dimensional trap.
999 in mirror 3 dimensional reverse becomes 666.
Every person bearing that number is tied to the beast system.
And now the beast, not an individual but a system, is pulling those ties and drawing this world into its mirror opposite. What if Dualism, a heresy in our theology, is actually the platform this world where the enemy is LORD, is built upon.
Father God didn't arrive as Yeshua, God with us, so to save us from God's punishment.
Yeshua, Jesus, came to save us from the world and death that arrived when Adam and Eve bowed to Satan in the garden and let consume them,after they consumed the fruit, (we shall know them by their fruits. The fruit of the spirit is.....), giving understanding,gnosis,of both good and evil.
The evil one is getting his way now with voracious capacity and drive.
It started centuries ago by demeaning one image of Father, the female. Cleaving the one in twain. Misaligning the balance.
Right under Father's nose he's testing God's creation to lead us to the opposite of Father's spirit. And laws of God's creation.
In the beginning....Father created us in Father's image and likeness. Male
and Female created they him......
Now, certain of us are of a mind we can create ourselves in the opposite image of God by our will.
And the antichrist is that which gives that dual nature abomination
man's law permission on Earth. Which is opposed,the power of the opposer, to God's law. God's natural law. Male and Female.
The enemy is making the 3 dimensional world the mirror opposite of Father's. The enemies disciples are at work serving his will to that end.
Un-Male and Un-Female creates he them.
The whole world lies in the power of the evil one. ''