I don’t think I’ve seen many of your posts so let’s talk.
I also don’t think you realize the layers here.
First, we are on the internet. So 90% of who we are and what we project through to others in our body language, grace and mannerisms are not shown.
‘This also eliminates a lot of back and forth that you get in real life to understand someone’s point, who they are, where they come from , how much personal history they want to share, so you can then move onto the topic of discussion itself and you go deeper in dialogue.
You can’t do any of this in text, you but you can do some via audio (phone call) or video (zoom).
This leaves us with purely a discussion of the minds which is what internet is. When you discuss a Topic in the internet, it should usually be done to seek higher knowledge.
Now, most of the time, people have their minds set on something but rarely we see something genuine or graceful which happens here too, but rarely. For example a member here has changed my mind of a topic simply through great reasoning and his way of communication. I am grateful for that.
Now with that being said, I don’t know you and you don’t know me and our interpretations of the Bible are probably vastly different because I was brought up by the teachings of the east Orthodox Church and you are probably a version of a Protestant American.
Now since you want to guilt trip me with your message let’s talk about that.
If someone’s demise is on my hand then so what?
What if what you call “duty“ someone interprets as “bullying”?
What if you approach people in fear using words like “danger“ would backfire on you? Would their demise be on your hand?
And what if you approached them with more humility you might get a different result?
Now I’m going to save you some time here because your whole interpretation of the Bible circles around salvation.
I know this because American churches talk about two things. Salvation and revelation.
‘But in the Orthodox Church these are rarely mentioned and we talk about our love for Christ now and we live with hopeful joy despite daily sufferings.
In fact I would die for Christ but I don’t know if I’m saved or I’ll be saved because the Bible is very confusing on this subject.
Now you probably will quote me like 4 or 5 salvation points in the Bible which I will then counter with my own questions so this is gonna be a long debate which might go on for a month depending on how frequently you come to this site and your interest level in this thread.
So what say you
@CorrectiveLens ?