A lot of fruits and vegetables taste will change if they get too much water when the fruit is ripening(waters it down). For instance Tomatoes need several things but it needs phosphorus when it's putting off fruit. Tomatoes need a lot of deep watering the whole time their growing(their heavy feeders/water) but if you water them too much when the fruit is ripening it waters down the flavor. Watermelons are a god example also because if they get too much water when ripening it waters down the taste/flavor it needs rain when it's growing but less when ripening. Imagine it this way in your mind,,,, the sun comes up and the melon plant looks pretty,,,in the afternoon the leaves all start sagging and it looks all withered up,,,then the scorching sun begins to go away and the leaves perk back up because the roots sucked the moisture back into the whole plant(melon too),, so controlling the moisture when it is setting fruit can either water it down or if you control the leaf sagging(it's gotta suck water back into it) well then it didn't transfer the flavor back out of the fruit. That's my 2 cents about flavor though,,,lol my pet peeve is watermelons you get one and it's great(less rain when fruit was ripening) next several you buy lack flavor because the field they grew in got a lot of rain just before harvest...