Brother CraigAllen,I have some very good news for you! Jesus is very much alive inside of me, to prove this to you, the Lord Jesus gave me this to tell you personally!! (Isaiah 41:9-13) There is nothing like being truly wanted by HIM!! May this both encourage you and lead you in love to help others as you are helped. Jesus wants thankful people!! It is his very will!!(1 Thess 5:18) Do not fear any longer, Jesus has heard your cry!! Blessing brother!! STAY DAILY in his Word, pray for his wisdom because he fully intends to give this to you! (James 1:5) And finally NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!!! No matter what! At 70 years of age brother, I have gone through the fire a few times, but Jesus pulled me out every time!! Blessing to you brother. There is no try, do or do not is his way!!!(James 1:22)