Check his post history. He keeps starting threads on this topic. Like, a lot.
Granted, the allusion to a guy who has the age of consent map as his homepage was perhaps overstating the case.
I find your posts a bit confusing. You posted some page about age of consent, but I see nothing connecting it to JohnB. Then you said he had age of consent as his homepage. What homepage, and what is your evidence that whatever page you saw is his homepage? Are you just writing stuff about him without any evidence?
An older man having romantic interest in a teenager under 18 can be a bit stigmatized in our society. It has to do with social norms, though, but not scripture. If Joseph was 30 and Mary was 15, like some people say, I don't see how that is sinful. They married. If her father agreed, there is no reason to accuse a couple of sin in that case. It is just taboo in our society-- kind of like cousin marriage, which isn't unbiblical, but something people in our society consider to be icky. I've got teenage daughters, and I wouldn't like an older man showing interest in them, personally, and I don't see the appeal of a 15 year old for a grown man. When I was 17, I had a cousin who was maybe 3 years older than me dating a 15 or 16-year-old from my high school. They ended up getting married. Personally, she seemed like she'd be too young for me, much less him. But that's my own sense of things, not scripture per se.
But it seems like you are implying that JohnB is too focused on age of consent, kind of a taboo thing when he's posting on the general topic of encouraging marriage, not expressing interest for teens. Do you have any evidence to back up your innuendo?