• Gen 3:16c . .Your desire shall be for your husband,
The Hebrew of that passage is apparently somewhat difficult; not even the
great rabbis Rashi and Ramban were in agreement how best to interpret it.
But it appears to me simply a requirement that women reserve their
passions, and their allure, for the guy they marry.
Extramarital allure is a serious problem in 2022 America. It's been quite a
few decades since red-blooded men could go to a California beach without
their minds being dragged down to the depths of Hell. Allure has gotten so
out of control that even Bratz as young as middle school are dressing
themselves like tramps.
This "desire" spoken of was apparently something new Eve's in experience:
not that she was formed minus libido, but that in the beginning her impulses
were manageable because they weren't easily stimulated before the fall.
• Gen 3:16c . .Your desire shall be for your husband,
The Hebrew of that passage is apparently somewhat difficult; not even the
great rabbis Rashi and Ramban were in agreement how best to interpret it.
But it appears to me simply a requirement that women reserve their
passions, and their allure, for the guy they marry.
Extramarital allure is a serious problem in 2022 America. It's been quite a
few decades since red-blooded men could go to a California beach without
their minds being dragged down to the depths of Hell. Allure has gotten so
out of control that even Bratz as young as middle school are dressing
themselves like tramps.
This "desire" spoken of was apparently something new Eve's in experience:
not that she was formed minus libido, but that in the beginning her impulses
were manageable because they weren't easily stimulated before the fall.
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