The title says it all.
Inquiring minds want to know:
1. Would you kiss this face???
2. What about if kissing this creature would result in you getting the prince/princess/companion of your dreams as a result?!?
And these aren't your little garden variety toads, either.
Unfortunately, I have several CC friends who know that one of my extreme, irrational phobias is of toads and frogs, and occasionally (read: all too often) they enjoy taking advantage of my great fears.
Wasps? Hornets? Spiders (as long as they're not the size of my hand)? No problem.
But if you cross my path with one (or worse, a group) of these beady-eyed, questionably suspicious-looking amphibians, you can almost place bests on me jumping and screaming. I can only blame it on bad childhood memories of deadheading my Mom's petunias as a kid and a "bumpy rock" jumping out at me, and a boy at summer camp who came up to me and said, "I have a surprise for you!"
The last thing I saw was a pair of beady little eyes popping up over the boy's cupped hands as I screamed and ran away. NO.THANK.YOU!!!
And to this day, I still shudder when I see petunias at local garden centers.
A few days ago, a CC friend sent me a picture of a toad that she and her mom had encountered while coming home from grocery shopping. She said it was about the size of a personal pan pizza.
Jiminy Crickets, the picture alone made my heart stop!!!
And then my friend sweetly suggested, "Why don't you kiss him, Seoul? After all, he might turn into a prince!"
(For anyone who might be unfamiliar with this, there is a well-known fairy tale here in the USA in which a princess kisses a frog and he becomes a handsome prince.)
I think I'll take my chances at STAYING SINGLE, THANKS.
HOWEVER... What about the rest of you?
If you could kiss a face like this and it would turn into the prince or princess of your dreams, WOULD YOU DO IT?!?
I am really curious to hear the answers!
Just a fun little thread to kick off the weekend!
Inquiring minds want to know:
1. Would you kiss this face???
2. What about if kissing this creature would result in you getting the prince/princess/companion of your dreams as a result?!?
And these aren't your little garden variety toads, either.

Unfortunately, I have several CC friends who know that one of my extreme, irrational phobias is of toads and frogs, and occasionally (read: all too often) they enjoy taking advantage of my great fears.
Wasps? Hornets? Spiders (as long as they're not the size of my hand)? No problem.
But if you cross my path with one (or worse, a group) of these beady-eyed, questionably suspicious-looking amphibians, you can almost place bests on me jumping and screaming. I can only blame it on bad childhood memories of deadheading my Mom's petunias as a kid and a "bumpy rock" jumping out at me, and a boy at summer camp who came up to me and said, "I have a surprise for you!"
The last thing I saw was a pair of beady little eyes popping up over the boy's cupped hands as I screamed and ran away. NO.THANK.YOU!!!
And to this day, I still shudder when I see petunias at local garden centers.
A few days ago, a CC friend sent me a picture of a toad that she and her mom had encountered while coming home from grocery shopping. She said it was about the size of a personal pan pizza.
Jiminy Crickets, the picture alone made my heart stop!!!
And then my friend sweetly suggested, "Why don't you kiss him, Seoul? After all, he might turn into a prince!"
(For anyone who might be unfamiliar with this, there is a well-known fairy tale here in the USA in which a princess kisses a frog and he becomes a handsome prince.)
I think I'll take my chances at STAYING SINGLE, THANKS.
HOWEVER... What about the rest of you?
If you could kiss a face like this and it would turn into the prince or princess of your dreams, WOULD YOU DO IT?!?
I am really curious to hear the answers!
Just a fun little thread to kick off the weekend!
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