I just want to remind everyone of the truth of scripture that we are supposed to be giving first place IF we are truly Christian and not merely stumbling through life with an outward form of godliness- In order to walk in His divine health as He requires, we take all things to Him for His guidance, and we acknowledge that ALL sickness, disease, accidents, lack , etc. are not from Him, they are an attack from the other realm. We most often weren't taught this scriptural truth as nearly all Christian teaching is about going to a place once a week and listening to someone talk ABOUT Him, not how to enter in this relationship WITH Him. One of the first steps to do this requires us to stop saying "I have...." an illness, when we do so it becomes a part of our identity, I know many here that keep making this mistake and over the years have more and more prescription bottles lining their shelves and walk in increasingly poor health until the adversary who only comes to steal, kill and destroy completes his work to kill.