you didn't understand my previous comment, did you?
We're not talking 2 set of grandparents or 2 sets of parents as in split families remarried with dad/step mom and mom/step dad, etc.........
we're talking "my two mommies" as in 2 lesbian women and "my 2 daddies" as in 2 homosexual men.
THAT is what has been slowly appearing in (my local) public libraries children's shelves.
well thats what happens in some families did you not know that
and some people write books about it, but you dont have to read them if you dont want to
just like some people write fiction about amish life but that doesnt mean everyone has to be amish
also there are books in languages other than english and lot of other topics. The thing is YOU the one who choose what books to read.
if you dont like any particular book just return it!
I mean Im not a fan of every single book in the library either
but just cos theres something *I*dont like, doesnt mean I go round saying I am so shocked theres swearing in this book! goodness! The Bible is so violent it dont read it!
Go on commensense media if you are that concerned about what books children might be reading. Most children will go for whatever suits their age and reading level at the time and in my expeience most see the humour in things.
Fo example there was one book called Wrestle. It was about two gay mum and this kid who was in. a mardi gras parade. But he didnt want to dress up as a wrestler, though his gay mums thought he should be. So even gay mums get it wrong.