in Colossians 2:16 "KJV"
sabbath is singular & holydays ((the feasts)) are differentiated from it.
sabbath is singular & holydays ((the feasts)) are differentiated from it.
Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath
your private misinterpretation is completely untenable.
Paul's list in Colossians 2 is comprised of CEREMONIAL things: meat offerings, drink offerings, new moon observances, holy days as in those commemorating Israelite deliverance, "sabbath" yearly feast days....
Making "sabbath" of Colossians 2 pertain to the WEEKLY Sabbath which has nothing to do with the Mosaic ceremonial Law is not only inconsistent hermeneutics, but evidence of weak Biblical scholarship, which can be forgiven when one capitulates when shown the truth, but will not be for the stubborn in the day of judgment.