While in her teens my daughter was brainwashed by her mother to totally turn against me. That lasted a few years until one day she saw the light. Believe me, I feel your pain as I have been there, done that and bought the T-shirt.
My ex definitely sought to brainwash my children against me for almost the entirety of their lives, but I honestly don't believe that is the root of what I previously described. Instead, my daughter hates Jesus Christ with an
EXPLOSIVE passion because she is literally an antichrist in that she lives her life in direct and hostile opposition to him and his teachings. Me? I'm just guilty by association. It's horrifying to watch, but she has her own free will.
I'll tell you this much, though, and many people might disagree with what I'm about to say...
I'm not chasing after her. This same exact scenario has played out before me many times over the last several years, and it's a clear indication of what is truly in her heart. She's not only hostile against her very Creator, but exceedingly disrespectful and hostile towards me as well, and without any justifiable cause in either case. She needs to repent. If she doesn't, then she can live the rest of her life with Satan as her father.
This same exact scenario has been going on for 30 something years with many of my other family members as well. They hate Christ to the point where they almost foam at the mouth (and I'm not exaggerating) if they see me wearing so much as a Christian-themed ballcap or t-shirt. Well, I finally drew the line in the sand last December, and I'm not crossing over it. They've done me nothing but evil for years, and years, and years, and years, and all simply because I'm a Christian. Again, NOT a Christian who has crammed the gospel down their throats by any stretch of anyone's imagination, but simply one who seeks to walk as Christ commands us to walk.
Anyhow, I'll continue to pray for all of them, but I'm not chasing any of them. If they want to repent, then we'll talk. If not, then I know who my real brothers, sisters, and family members are:
Those who hear the word of God and keep it.