If God revealed HIs love through His Son, and predestined salvation through Him, who loved us by giving Himself, and those of us that accept salvation through His Son, love Him, how does that negate the salvation through His Son and/or His love for those that do not?
That question might be better posed as, "How does God's love for those that are predestined to receive salvation negate His love for the rest of the world?
Is Jesus' dying for the world evidence of His love for it, or is God's judgment of the world evidence or His hate for it? The reality is the cross is the meeting of God's lovingkindness and truth, "righteousness and peace have kissed (Psalm 85:10) Surely, his salvation is near to those who fear Him, that HIs glory may dwell in the land (v.9), faithfulness sprouts from the earth and righteousness looks down from heaven (v. 11).
Is there anyone that can separate the one from the other, and be save? Or join God's lovingkindness with lie, or unrighteousness with peace? None will that fear Him, and although those that don't fear Him might try, they cannot have the one without the other.
I just have difficulty seeing God withholding that choice from anyone, giving the lie and torment as their only choice.