Much of healing is a process, as He tells us in Isaiah 28- "line upon line, precept upon precept, hear a little, there a little".
Dr. Caroline Leaf and MANY others know of the science of neural plasticity, how every thought we have creates a protein like structure in the brain, good ones in line with Galatians c5-v22-23 produce complete structures, the ones not in keeping with His truth in how we are to walk produce incomplete structures that produce negative affects on health, to the point it is now believed 90+% of illness is from the thought life, what we give ourselves to.
A wonderful way to move toward your healing and restoration is to stop viewing truth, compassion, caring, love, as a personal attack
If we want to continue to keep our sickness, infirmity, disease, un-wholeness by doing so, He will allow it, we know from scripture the power of life and death is in the tongue .
Jesus' command was to "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out the spirits", not 'pray for them"
I wish you the best in Jesus name.
best wishes