you realize that is from Romans 2, right?
where Paul makes the argument that no one is justified by the law, nor can anyone be, therefore God's righteousness is by faith -- culminating in the answer to this, our salvation, in Romans 6-8 where he explains that whoever has been found in Christ has died to the law, is no longer under it, cannot be judged by it, and is by no means beholden to it?
that this is the gospel of our salvation?
and this reinforces the point i made earlier this morning: we are set free from the law, made a new creation in Christ for works of righteousness He sets before us. that very righteousness is therefore separate from the law. the law is a shadow of it made for the unrighteous to condemn sin in them. righteousness exists outside of the law; the law is for the unrighteous.
look at circumcision: a physical command presaging the law, superseding physical sabbath observance because a child is circumcised even on a sabbath; that 8th day is greater than the 7th. yet God does not require of us circumcision with human hands/works. physical circumcision is worthless - but this worthless thing is greater than physical sabbath observance!
the circumcision that avails is the circumcision by God's hand, of the heart. likewise the rest that we enter is a spiritual rest: a real rest.
have you really not yet understood?