The act of being saved is being heart-circumcised, no? The filth of the sinful-nature, inherited from Adam, is cut off and thrown away, and we put on the righteousness of Christ. Yes, there is a place for sanctification - we may still battle with sin, but that doesn't mean we become uncircumcised again. In the Old Testament, circumcision was seen as the point a male became an Israelite. He would still sin after that, but it didn't make him a gentile.
Actually, we find in Genesis chapter 17, where physical circumcision is instituted, the below edict from God. God wasn't requesting that Abraham be Righteous, Holy, and Blameless, but God was willing it into his life SO THAT he would be those things. Genesis chapter 17 is within the top five chapters, if not top two or three chapters, of the entire Bible.
Genesis 17:1-3 NLT - "When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, "I am El-Shaddai--'God Almighty.'
Serve me faithfully and live a blameless life. 2 I will make a covenant with you, by which I will guarantee to give you countless descendants." 3 At this, Abram fell face down on the ground."
The boldfaced text above is what Ezekiel 11:19-20, Ezekiel 36:25-27, Colossians 2:9-15, Deut 30:6 is all about, for to be Sprinkled with Clean Water, to receive a new Heart . . . these things are done SO THAT we will Love and Serve God Faithfully. And as you said, we may not be actually perfect, but through Christ and being made Right with God through Jesus . . . we are, in fact, viewed as Holy, Righteous, Blameless, and Perfect(ed).
I LOVE OUR BIBLE so much! This Mystserious Plan (as Paul describes it in Ephesians chapters 2 and 3) is so utterly incredible. I wish that more people knew about this Gospel! Folks, we are talking about the True Gospel in this thread. I want each of you to feel good in your hearts that you are participating in it. There is no more greater and important discussion that a person can have other than this one.
I Love you guys!