Rainy, hazy day of Autumn here today. It's Monday, and a special day for Veterans and Service members and their families, and New Zealanders, Australians and some Pacific Islanders as a whole.
I'm really appreciative of people sharing their interests and insights on this thread, and throughout CC. It is sooo educational, I've learnt heaps. Thank you fellow members and staff 👍👏
The cat's been quite sookie today, demanding to be stroked. One must obey, sorta... I give her a pat every now and again, and she seems happy enough with that. 🙂 Must be the rainy weather 🤔
Speaking of things cat, my cat minder has decided to do a runner...can't blame her really, I've thought of doing the same. 🙄 She and her husband have put their house up for sale to move closer to their grand kids down on the Gold Coast. I'm running an ad on the Christian House Share website in Oz, to see if I can get a house and Cat minder to cover me for a fortnight from the 21st May. I'm visiting my natural born family down south then, and have to meet a dermatology appointment in Brisbane after that. If you know of anyone that's available and would be interested in doing that, could you give them a shout please. I'll furnish them with a copy of my Police Check/Clearance report to prove they won't be getting a knock on the door in the wee hours of the morning from the local Mafia, looking for sugar for their tea. If they need more than 2 weeks here to make it worth their while, that can be arranged.
Off to do some work in the kitchen now, then a bit of filing, a workout on the exercise bike, then easing down for the day and night.
May everyone have a fantastic day and week ahead, enveloped by the grace of the one and only true God, the great I AM. Shalom 😊