I appreciate the conversation and I mostly agree. The last definition you have given is one I have heard said often in similar ways.
When I hear these descriptions I usually get this sense that they are just making it up. I don't really find biblical support for it, but I know it is expressed this way among those who like to teach about the prophetic gifts.
I have often heard people in a public speaking scenario say that they have the "prophetic personality" because they don't think too much about peoples feelings and just tell it like it is. But they are actually of the "ignorant personality" and just haven't realized it yet. What I mean is that they just don't understand that they are lacking in social skills. Only education will cure them.
You will notice that most of these who claim that their "harshness" is due to their prophetic calling never completed any college level communication, writing or English classes. Which is why they are so poor at communicating and they call it prophetic and wear it like a badge. Sorry, the rest of us are cringing when they speak and are relieved when it is over, having learned nothing but pity for their ignorance in the process.
Now I am not saying that they MUST attend college to be cured, they could simply read enough books and take some training courses but the point is that there is a reason that most companies require or prefer college graduates. They are better at social skills the most important one being their ability to communicate in a polite and effective manner what needs to be communicated with as few words as possible to get the task at hand accomplished.
These basic communication skills are usually lacking in those who call themselves of a "Prophetic personality" but they are so ignorant they think that the difference between their rough mannerisms and others that they wish they could be like but can't is because God made them different.
In reality they suffer from arrested development and going back to community college and completing a liberal arts degree could very possibly bridge the gap between what they perceive to be the difference between their communication skills and those peers they admire so much in this regard.
Someone should tell them. Now that would be direct. But it would not be prophesy.

Telling them in a harsh way would not be prophesy either. It would just be unnecessarily rude.
These types usually are doing what comes naturally. However, one of the best tips I learned at an early age in my Christian journey is that
most of the time when we do what comes naturally we are doing it the wrong way.
Managers who manage teams with no management training will usually do what comes naturally and take on an authoritative demeanor and try and push their weight around, threaten people, raise their voices a lot, and spend most of their time pointing out things that need correction. This is the worst kind of manager.
The best managers learn through management training to resist doing what comes naturally and to be kind, coaching, positive and find things to praise their teams about which will produce teams that fix their own mistakes without needing constant corrections and nagging. The principle is true in almost every area of life.
What comes naturally in ministry, trying to tell people how they are messing up and pushing them to do better, is not the best way to help people and one must be trained by the word of God, by Jesus examples and obeying these biblical examples in ministry you soon learn that they are opposite what you would have thought of doing if left to yourself.
Doing what comes natural in telling people how it is, and being harsh, and acting like you are Isaiah or Jeremiah is not prophetic personality, it is just ignorance. They can stand up there and claim they are prophetic all they want but most of us in the pews listening to it are wondering why they think that speaking like they did not graduate elementary school makes them prophetic.
Am I being harsh? Maybe I'm a prophet. LOL