Good question and thanks for asking. The circumstances range to both sides of the Cascades in Washington State. While it is mostly a local problem, the governing bodies involved are statewide. My entire view and scope of authority have completely changed. I used to donate to the police department . . . no longer. I used to desire to work with certain government services so that the 2ndTimothyGroup could offer financial support with their cooperation. No more. In the future, as I regain my ability to fund 2TG, I will not seek the cooperation of any government entity or any entity that works with them in any way whatsoever. Instead, we will likely create Trust Funds for elementary schools to distribute monies to children that are in need on an as-needed basis. Or, we will offer services to anyone in need, but again, there will be no association with government or affiliates in any shape or form. I'm looking forward to it.
My point is you may have had a different experience in another county, another state, another city, or under a different federal administration in a united states who support democracy. That is what makes countries like this still a beacon of light.