James 1:27 says: "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."
There's not a thing wrong with religion. The following video is is one of the best I've seen countering the charges that you have a religious spirit.
False teachers will say you have a religious spirit if you're a stickler for doctrine; however, they're just as much sticklers for doctrine. The only difference is if your doctrine comes from God's word and disagrees with theirs, you have a demon! They teach that someone who has a religious spirit is marked by insistence on the finality and reliability of God's word. On the other hand, if you get your inspiration from direct revelation and believe in doctrines that are "fresh" and "new," then this doctrine is okay. Everyone has doctrine (teaching): Which doctrine would you rather adhere to?
Every one of the quotes and clips in this video are from people who are leading the way in the great apostasy. They're NAR, so note the references to a "new reformation" and how those who oppose it are in error and blocking God's will.
There's not a thing wrong with religion. The following video is is one of the best I've seen countering the charges that you have a religious spirit.
False teachers will say you have a religious spirit if you're a stickler for doctrine; however, they're just as much sticklers for doctrine. The only difference is if your doctrine comes from God's word and disagrees with theirs, you have a demon! They teach that someone who has a religious spirit is marked by insistence on the finality and reliability of God's word. On the other hand, if you get your inspiration from direct revelation and believe in doctrines that are "fresh" and "new," then this doctrine is okay. Everyone has doctrine (teaching): Which doctrine would you rather adhere to?
Every one of the quotes and clips in this video are from people who are leading the way in the great apostasy. They're NAR, so note the references to a "new reformation" and how those who oppose it are in error and blocking God's will.