The great Roman Catholic myth.
“Eighty-six years I have been his servant. How can I blaspheme my King who saved me?” These words were spoken by Polycarp. Polycarp was the bishop at the church at Smyrna. Last week we looked at Ignatius. Ignatius was bishop at Antioch. Both Antioch and Smyrna were significant cities in the New Testament. And there’s another connection. Both Ignatius and Polycarp were the disciples of John. In fact there is this great legend in church history that as Ignatius was John’s disciple, and Polycarp was John’s disciple, then Polycarp was also Ignatius’ disciple. Polycarp would go on to disciple Irenaeus. And Irenaeus would go on—now here’s a great name from the early church—he would go on to disciple Hippolytus. So there we have this great length through the first two centuries of the church’s life back to John."