Don't you realize there are more people who will never vote for Trump than those who will vote for him.
I don't think that's correct. Trump can still pull a crowd, as his recent rallies show. Though he turned off a lot of people by advocating the jab initially.
But he's at least willing to re-evaluate his position and read the room. He's said recently that the vaccine should always be a personal choice and we need to get rid of all vaccine and mask mandates. He blasted Pence pretty good and I think he's waking up to the reality that politics isn't the same as business. Most politicians are corrupt and you've got to be really careful to vet all your advisors and inner circles.
That being said, I'm still really on the fence with Trump for other reasons. And he's getting old. I really want DeSantis in there. Sort of a last hurrah/reprieve for America before the inevitable plunge.
Though a real patriot winning the White House might actually end up being the spark that leads to civil war.