• Gal 1:1 . .This letter is from Paul, an apostle.
The Greek word translated "apostle" means a delegate and/or a messenger;
and not necessarily somebody on the same level as the twelve, for example
John 13:16 and Phil 2;25.
I suppose there are astute historians somewhere who can prove that a man
named Paul wrote this letter, and that he actually knew Jesus first hand, and
that he was commissioned by both Jesus and God to be an apostle.
• Gal 1:1a . . I was not appointed by any group or by human authority.
Nowadays men typically have to attend a seminary or a college program to
become ordained ministers qualified to speak for Christ.
• Gal 1:1b . . My call is from Jesus Christ himself and from God the Father
If Jesus was the only son around God's table then Paul would likely have
called hm Jesus' Father instead of the Father; but God has lots of other sons
besides the one born to Him-- especially by means of adoption, which we'll
eventually get to in the 4th chapter.
• Gal 1:1c . . who raised Jesus from the dead.
There's some controversy about exactly who restored Jesus' crucified dead
body to life. According to John 2:19 it was Jesus, whereas by Heb 13:20 it
was God, and by 1Pet 3:18 it was the Spirit, etc, etc.
• Gal 1:1 . .This letter is from Paul, an apostle.
The Greek word translated "apostle" means a delegate and/or a messenger;
and not necessarily somebody on the same level as the twelve, for example
John 13:16 and Phil 2;25.
I suppose there are astute historians somewhere who can prove that a man
named Paul wrote this letter, and that he actually knew Jesus first hand, and
that he was commissioned by both Jesus and God to be an apostle.
• Gal 1:1a . . I was not appointed by any group or by human authority.
Nowadays men typically have to attend a seminary or a college program to
become ordained ministers qualified to speak for Christ.
• Gal 1:1b . . My call is from Jesus Christ himself and from God the Father
If Jesus was the only son around God's table then Paul would likely have
called hm Jesus' Father instead of the Father; but God has lots of other sons
besides the one born to Him-- especially by means of adoption, which we'll
eventually get to in the 4th chapter.
• Gal 1:1c . . who raised Jesus from the dead.
There's some controversy about exactly who restored Jesus' crucified dead
body to life. According to John 2:19 it was Jesus, whereas by Heb 13:20 it
was God, and by 1Pet 3:18 it was the Spirit, etc, etc.