Some may recall one of Alex Jones' earliest exploits was to infiltrate and video inside Bohemian Grove. In my opinion it was after this he basically lost his mind. I wonder if there's a connection?
I have some mixed thoughts about it, actually. The "Cremation of Care" "ceremony" that Jones recorded seemed more skit than Moloch worship. Basically if you read the full transcription, "Care" personified represents the visitors normal workaday selves. Burning "Care" in effigy is symbolic of the Bohemian Grove visitors' casting off of their responsibilities in favor of frivolity and recreation for the next two weeks at the Grove. However...
There ARE some elements that are a bit bizarre and troubling. Why the owl? Why the burning crosses? Was the ceremony a "double-entendre" that occultists like so much?
And one has to wonder just what goes on at the Bohemian Grove in the isolated camps during the two weeks of frivolity after the opening ceremonies.