FreeGrace2 said:
So what then, if there is NO CONSEQUENCES for sin, other than ceasing to exist? Why can't you guys admit that when if a person ceases to exist, they experience nothing, because they have become nothing? In THAT state, there are NO CONSEQUENCES.
Look, do people fight to have a death sentence upgraded or reduced to life without parole?
Are you really missing the point on purpose? Or, because of your flawed idea that all souls sleep, you can't see that there is consciousness after death?
Regardless, your view lines up exactly with that of atheists. They expect to NOT exist when they die. No thoughts, no emotions, no pain, no feelings of any kind. So what's to fear in that? NOTHING is what.
And, by ceasing to exist, there is NOTHING to experience in the way of suffering consequences.
Back to your example above. The reason a criminal would want an "upgrade" from a death penalty is that they want to continue living in the present circumstance of life. They DON'T KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT after physical death, and THAT is what most people are scared about or want to avoid.
You either will understand this or you don't want to, because it challenges your soul sleep and annihilation ideas.
That the death penalty can only be reduced proves unequivocally it's not only a judicial punitive consequence, but the most severe possible.
It is, but ONLY for this life only. Every unbeliever will face the GWT judgment. And they will receive a MUCH WORSE consequence for refusing God's free gift of eternal life. And note, it is a consequence, not a punishment, per se.
Christians fear death even though they claim they're immediately transported to eternal existence with Jesus, yet somehow the wicked who are sentenced to annihilation without hope of existence ever again will stand with open arms awaiting the devouring fire to fall from God?
Those Christians who fear death are IGNORANT of God's Word. They have no excuse.
But, what most people fear, whether saved or unsaved, is the pain involved in many kinds of death.
claim when they die, they go straight to heaven, but diagnose one with terminal cancer and the fear of death take hold.
Either it's the fear of the pain involved in the cancer or they are stupidly ignorant of God's Word. I believe it is fear of pain.
Are you saying the Second Death is no less a fearful prospect than dying of cancer?
If your annihilation theory is correct, why would anyone fear it at all? They won't be there to experience anything. Why can't you see that?
Do you really not understand what a CONSEQUENCE is for? To EXPERIENCE the result of certain behaviors.
If there is NO EXPERIENCE for any kind of behavior, then there is NO CONSEQUENCE.
If you can't grasp this, then there is really no use in further discussion. This point is at the core of the issue.
If you can't grasp the core, you are totally unable to grasp even the issue.