I'm beginning to wonder which Jesus you are trusting since you won't answer my simple question, so here it is again...
"...you don't believe the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are God?"
Let me answer if you don’t mind.
Every person has their way of seeing the Godhead, but I liken the Godhead in His creation.
God created the man first in His image and likeness.
Then God created from the man a woman, in the likeness of man which is the likeness of God.
The man and the woman when they come together in unity are ONE FLESH. Two people, but one.
The man represents God the Father, the woman represents the Son of God or that which is in the bosom of the Father.
This is just an image, if you can see it, it’s wonderful.
I and my Father are ONE SPIRIT.
Jesus says, I must go, for If I don’t go the comforter which is the Holy Ghost will not come.
The fleshy testimony (the Jesus they saw) had to leave so that the Father and the Son could come as the Holy Spirit or the ONE SPIRIT at the preaching of Peter on the day of Pentecost.
There is not three persons in the Godhead, it’s always been the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit is that unity.
There is more to see in His creation but I will let this alone as I know from times past that such information can cause a lot of strife.