How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

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Senior Member
Mar 30, 2016
I think at the #4000 post most participants have left the building--for those who happen upon this, the spider is an inside joke between Oyster and myself--just so you don't think I'm off my rocker... shh, Oyster don't tell!o_O
Thanks for the info...I'm actually just now wading into this thread. I read over some of it about the spider stuff and thought you and Oyster were either... just a pair of jokers or completely crazy.

Glad to know it is just an inside joke.

But I'm still a little curious...Could you guys share the joke so that we can all get a good laugh?

Sorry, I'm just joking with you...:giggle:

Seriously though, I agree with the posts that I have seen you make in regards to Pre-trib.

I'm definitely no expert on it...but from what I've read in scripture I can see no evidence for a pre-trib rapture. The case for pre-trib rapture sounds more like wishful thinking to me.


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2017
The case for pre-trib rapture sounds more like wishful thinking to me.
Evidently you have not really studied the matter. Keep digging. Start with the rapture of Enoch and ask yourself if that was "wishful thinking".


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
Thanks for the info...I'm actually just now wading into this thread. I read over some of it about the spider stuff and thought you and Oyster were either... just a pair of jokers or completely crazy.

Glad to know it is just an inside joke.

But I'm still a little curious...Could you guys share the joke so that we can all get a good laugh?

Sorry, I'm just joking with you...:giggle:

Seriously though, I agree with the posts that I have seen you make in regards to Pre-trib.

I'm definitely no expert on it...but from what I've read in scripture I can see no evidence for a pre-trib rapture. The case for pre-trib rapture sounds more like wishful thinking to me.

I warned Oyster 'no after dinner liquers'...

Okay have at 'em--it's sort of a back and forth in the thread, 10 commandments=TV, movies, watching sports, novels, music, video games and computer games are all sins from Post #74 onwards some nutty stuff (but fun, well most of it), the spider one is mixed in there-- i think 74,75 and 92? scroll thru while you're waiting for your water to boil..


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020

However, sometimes you can get called a hypocrite for only posting some scriptures...with no personal interpretation whatsoever...o_O:unsure:

Oh, the many splendors, joy, and fun that can be had on the BDF forum.:oops:

In the words of Forrest Gump...It's like a box of chocolates.... or MAYBE not chocolates per se...seeing I love all chocolates and I've never found a bad chocolate,
Ha, ha! :) But no bad chocolates? Apparently you've never had any of those mini-candy mixes....

yes it is too weird when you simply post scriptures to get a disagree or a thumbs down--even if a person happen to use it out of context--you can explain, but i don't think we ever ought give a thumbs down to God's Word!:oops:


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2016
Ha, ha! :) But no bad chocolates? Apparently you've never had any of those mini-candy mixes....
Lol...yeah, you got me there.


If anyone's ever eaten any cheap candy from the Dollar Store...then they'll know there REALLY is such a thing as bad chocolates..:sick::giggle:


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
Thanks for the info...I'm actually just now wading into this thread. I read over some of it about the spider stuff and thought you and Oyster were either... just a pair of jokers or completely crazy.

Glad to know it is just an inside joke.

But I'm still a little curious...Could you guys share the joke so that we can all get a good laugh?

Sorry, I'm just joking with you...:giggle:

Seriously though, I agree with the posts that I have seen you make in regards to Pre-trib.

I'm definitely no expert on it...but from what I've read in scripture I can see no evidence for a pre-trib rapture. The case for pre-trib rapture sounds more like wishful thinking to me.
oops also #98 is also part of the the spidey joke.... spider.jpeg


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
Lol...yeah, you got me there.


If anyone's ever eaten any cheap candy from the Dollar Store...then they'll know there REALLY is such a thing as bad chocolates..:sick::giggle:
Most of the drug store candy bars at the check out counter are pretty much a (n) for me--okay, if you gave me m&m's i'd eat those. I'm not a super chocolate connoisseur; i don't care for the 80% Cocoa and up--tastes like eating french roast coffee beans raw; but Trader Joe's has some pretty good inexpensive chocolate, my favorite being the thin crisps that stack like potato chips. :giggle:


Truth, Honesty, Love, Courage
Aug 10, 2019
Good "dark chocolate" is a taste to be aquired. But, after you have aquired it, "milk chocolate" pretty-much tastes like [some kind of] waxy mush by comparison.

I agree that 80% and up can be tough; however, what you can do with those is mix it with something...

Dark Chocolate is much more healthy than Milk Chocolate.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2016
Most of the drug store candy bars at the check out counter are pretty much a (n) for me--okay, if you gave me m&m's i'd eat those. I'm not a super chocolate connoisseur; i don't care for the 80% Cocoa and up--tastes like eating french roast coffee beans raw; but Trader Joe's has some pretty good inexpensive chocolate, my favorite being the thin crisps that stack like potato chips.:giggle:
Yeah, chocolates are kind of like beauty being in the eye of the beholder...everyone has their own taste.

I know people from London, England who think American candy is yak. I feel the same way about their chocolates.

Give me a Hershey bar, or any Hershey products for that matter and I'm good to

And yes, folks before anyone else gets the notion to call me a hypocrite.... I said Hershey...not


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2016
Good "dark chocolate" is a taste to be aquired. But, after you have aquired it, "milk chocolate" pretty-much tastes like [some kind of] waxy mush by comparison.

I agree that 80% and up can be tough; however, what you can do with those is mix it with something...

Dark Chocolate is much more healthy than Milk Chocolate.
Gary...Are you actually from England?:p

Most Americans know that MILK CHOCOLATE is the best :love:


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
Good "dark chocolate" is a taste to be aquired. But, after you have aquired it, "milk chocolate" pretty-much tastes like [some kind of] waxy mush by comparison.

I agree that 80% and up can be tough; however, what you can do with those is mix it with something...

Dark Chocolate is much more healthy than Milk Chocolate.
It's middle of the ground for me, just like my coffee--medium roast all the way. Dark roasts, like french taste like cigarette butts to me. The crisps at trader joes are dark chocolate, but neither waxy nor chalky like some darks. Since you're in the UK you don't have trader joe's, but do you have the Chocolove brand? It's kind of like their 70%. It's called Belgian chocolate. I don't know what that really means--it sounds nice though!;)


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2018
This is when Satan will physically appear on earth. This is the time of the Antichrist's coming (at the 6th Trump). The text then shifts to Satan standing in the holy place. Satan's goal is to deceive the entire world and have everyone accept his mark as their own. Don’t be deceived, Charlie.
Agree with most that you said but satan is cast out of heaven before he goes off to start the war against Christians ie: the Great Tribulation.

Rev 12:7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
Rev 12:8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Rev 12:10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Rev 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
Rev 12:13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.
Rev 12:14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
Rev 12:15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.
Rev 12:16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
Rev 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

That's an unknown amount of time from being cast out to starting that war. We don't know how long but there might be a clue here:

I believe satan was cast out in the third trump.

Revelation 8:10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great
star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the
third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
Revelation 8:11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the
third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the
waters, because they were made bitter.

This is satan. he is that great star which burned like a
lamp...brightness...thats what his name also means:


01966 heylel {hay-lale'}

from 01984 (in the sense of brightness); TWOT - 499a; n m

AV - Lucifer 1; 1

Lucifer = "light-bearer"
1) shining one, morning star, Lucifer
1a) of the king of Babylon and Satan (fig.)
2) (TWOT) 'Helel' describing the king of Babylon

He was the shining morning when he is cast out he is
described as a great star that was shining brightly like a lamp when
he fell.

Wormwood is also a reference to satan because he is bitterness and is
poison to gods children. there is no other that the third trump can
be speaking of.

Luke 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall
from heaven.


796 astrape {as-trap-ay'}

from 797; TDNT - 1:505,86; n f

AV - lightning 8, light shining 1; 9

1) lightning
1a) of the gleam of a lamp

"the gleam of a lamp"

Revelation 8:10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the
third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
Revelation 8:11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the
waters, because they were made bitter.

"burning as it were a lamp"

Christ himself documenting satans fall in the 3rd trump.

Rev 12 also clearly documents satan being cast out BEFORE the first
beast NWO system rises, and before satan takes control of that world
system as the Ac in Rev 13.

So what could satan be doing before the 6th trump? he is setting up
his organization behind the scenes, waiting for when the world is
perfectly ripe to receive him. He casts out a flood of lies to ready
the world to accept his deception. this all takes planning and satan
is very cunning and will have everything ready by the time the 6th
trump sounds.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2018
You don't think it's possible that when the Holy Spirit is taken out of the way He takes His own with Him (the Church). Being that He dwells inside those believers.

But also leaves Christians like two witnesses? The Holy Spirit is within them so the church isn't gone nor is the Holy Spirit. The two witnesses and those who are beheaded give a testimony of Christ through the Great Tribulation proving the church is very much going through the Great Tribulation.

Rev 11:6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.
Rev 11:7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.

Rev 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Aug 2, 2021
Evidently you have not really studied the matter. Keep digging. Start with the rapture of Enoch and ask yourself if that was "wishful thinking".
The rapture of Enoch confirms there is NO Pre-Trib Rapture for the Saints/ Elect / Church

These Prophets condemn the lie of pre-trib:

Enoch , Noah , Daniel , Job , Elijah


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2016
Gary...Are you actually from England?:p

Most Americans know that MILK CHOCOLATE is the best :love:
@Laura798 I should have used originally there instead of actually...

Now I've got people thinking he is from the UK....

I really am a mess today.

Maybe, I've had too much MilkyWay for the


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2018
I guess I’m not seeing a rapture of any kind. I’m only seeing a Second Coming of my Lord at the 7th Trump. The word rapture is not even mentioned in the Bible.
It's used in the bible which was written in Greek so Paul used the Greek word for Rapture which is Harpazo.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2021
But also leaves Christians like two witnesses? The Holy Spirit is within them so the church isn't gone nor is the Holy Spirit. The two witnesses and those who are beheaded give a testimony of Christ through the Great Tribulation proving the church is very much going through the Great Tribulation.

Rev 11:6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.
Rev 11:7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.

Rev 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Pretrib has made all of this so abundantly clear:
It is now "church age" or the age of grace.
At the pretrib rapture "time" will change to Day of the Lord.
Days after the Day of the Lord begins (6th seal) Daniel's FINAL week will begin (7th seal) which is JEWISH time.
The two witnesses will be Old Testament saints. They are not "Christian" as in members of the church. (Hint: name two who never died.)

God will have 144,000 witnesses during the first half of the week, and Two witnesses during the last half.
See how simple God made this?