Hello BillG!
Hugs to you! I have to confess that I'm laughing a little bit in response to your post because this thread hasn't made it pass 2 pages either.......lol!
Please join me on this thread! Share your insights of God's Love with all of us! 
Let LOVE be fun and uplifting! Full of hugs, warmth, laughter, encouragement, food for the soul, a life saver to the drowning, a helping hand to the weak, a smile with a twinkle in your eye, even a firm hand and tough at times when it seeks to protect, instruct or correct.....
You're right, so many of us struggle with love - knowing God loves us, loving God, loving others, receiving love from others, and loving ourselves in a healthy way.
So, what do we do? Just keep loving.........no matter what!
God loves you, BillG! You are a tremendous blessing to all of us! 
This thread made it pass 2 pages!!!!
And it has been brought back to life a few times too, I see which is also LOVELY!
Blow the wind of Your fiery love over these dear ones who keep coming back to this place. Also capture the ones who desperately need to know Your love, Jesus. There are ones who just have never experienced it, and we pray that You would reach ones who have a false image of who You are. Who have only heard about You, or compared You to a man... and don't really know YOU and your incomparable love for them! Reach them as only You can.
Without love we are nothing! You loved us first, Lord! Thank you that You are faithful!! to us!!!! And in general!!!
We love the ways you manifest Yourself to us. We love that You make a way where there seems to be no way. We are so thankful that You know the end from the beginning.
We love how patient You are, and that this is part of Your definition of Love!!! PATIENCE and Kindness!!! You suffer long in Your love towards us.
God... You FIND us!! Oh how I love that about you. You're a SEEKER! You are relentless! You are not like us.
We lift You up, we are so grateful for who You are, for Your constancy. You never change.
We love You Jesus!