Can you imagine in these stressed times. When people riot and loot in the streets, "f" bombing all over the place. And this is ok and accepted to express yourself.shouting out me, me, me,. I want my rights.
Believe me saints when I tell you they have no idea of what there saying.
Justice, justice, justice, for me me me . Ok "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
The penenty of sin is what..death.
Gods mercy and patients are long lasting but not endless, there come a time when he will answer.
It's things like this, simple and sincere that plants seeds, that brings back rememberance, that transform the heart,
This is the foolishness that God seeks when it is night time, this is the boldness that stands in the way of chaos.
Little is much when God is in it.
For the Lord inhabits the praises of his people.
Come out from among them.