Brothers and Sisters,
Remember this too, when you come together as in the days of old, it is not just to debate, in fact let us not use that word. It is more so to evaluate what we believe we have learned from God. Whom reveals Himself to whom He wills. It is more so to praise God for what He has done by using you, or someone you know. Or how he has saved someone, first praise then share with what you believe God has revealed to you through Scrupture, Fasting, and Prayer. He will speak to you and show you something to share with the family for the edification of the body.
So, Take heart to those who teach in truth, this does not means that all of you have taught wrongly, just know and understand there is wisdom among your brothers and sisters, that you are not the Shepard, but a sheep like all of us, with one Sheapard. Who commanded for you to go out and make Disciples of all nations!
If we are all born again then, and all priests/disciples, then we should all be seeking the face and will of our God the Father. We ALL should also all be teaching and sharing/praising God for what He has done through us to bring honor and glory to His name and the Kingdom.
So take heart, this is the Way. The world and work does not rest on your shoulders. It is already done and light as a feather in Christ alone.
This is the Way
A brother in Christ
Remember this too, when you come together as in the days of old, it is not just to debate, in fact let us not use that word. It is more so to evaluate what we believe we have learned from God. Whom reveals Himself to whom He wills. It is more so to praise God for what He has done by using you, or someone you know. Or how he has saved someone, first praise then share with what you believe God has revealed to you through Scrupture, Fasting, and Prayer. He will speak to you and show you something to share with the family for the edification of the body.
So, Take heart to those who teach in truth, this does not means that all of you have taught wrongly, just know and understand there is wisdom among your brothers and sisters, that you are not the Shepard, but a sheep like all of us, with one Sheapard. Who commanded for you to go out and make Disciples of all nations!
If we are all born again then, and all priests/disciples, then we should all be seeking the face and will of our God the Father. We ALL should also all be teaching and sharing/praising God for what He has done through us to bring honor and glory to His name and the Kingdom.
So take heart, this is the Way. The world and work does not rest on your shoulders. It is already done and light as a feather in Christ alone.
This is the Way
A brother in Christ
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